Chapter 21

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Image by: @// BlackCrow06 (DeviantArt)

(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol
(F/i) - first initial
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother
(B/f/i) - brother's first initial


(Y/n's POV)

"What do you mean?", I whisper to Bill, even though he isn't here anymore. I know he's listening, "What are you going to do?"

I slowly bring myself to the ground and just sit in the middle of the road. It's gotten much darker out, the sun is now fully hidden behind the trees.

I failed. I didn't change a thing. I repeated my past without even knowing it. It's obvious that something bad is about to happen. Maybe it's not the exact same bad thing that happened to my future self, but a bad something is coming...

Bill Not the same emotionless as when we were temporarily disconnected. He just isn't feeling anything. Not even anger. He's empty, hallow.




Where is he going?...What is he going to do?...

Well...the force field is down...and this whole dimension is free for Bill to roam...that's all he ever wanted right? That's all Bill ever rule this dimension...

"Sweet child", a delicate woman's voice suddenly calls out.

It's her...the woman I keep seeing in my dreams!

I look all around me in surprise. Where did her voice come from?...

"I'm sorry you were fooled by that demon", her voice quietly says, "he's well with words, but he's no longer a threat to you or your brother"

"What do you mean by that? Do you know where he's going?", I call out to her with worry.

I blink a few times as a sudden bright yellow light appears in front of me. It nearly blinds me as I cover my eyes with my arm.

The light then dims down a bit to where I can see again so I put my arm down and face the light. In the middle of the ring of light is what looks to be a hologram maybe? Of a younger version of my brother and I talking as we sit on a bed with journal two in our hands. No sound can be heard though.

"Do you remember this, (y/n)?", the woman's voice asks me. I flinch as she says my name, startled that she even knows it.

"This was about 4 years ago. You and (y/t/b) were reading the second journal of Stanford Pines. And you both noticed that Bill Cipher was on the page again", she explains to me.

I do remember that...

How does she know this though?...Who is this woman?...

"he's a DEMON, (y/n), a DEMON, this guy is not to be messed with", I hear my brother say in the holographic memory, then silence again.

The hologram and light fade away then the woman's voice speaks to me again, "You wanted to summon the demon, but your brother told you it was a bad idea. That was the beginning of your curiosity of Bill Cipher. And it only grew since then"

I narrow my eyes at her words and stand to my feet. "What's your point here?", I ask her, my tone both angry and perplexed.

"I too was once curious of him", she tells me as her voice becomes more empty, "Which lead to my downfall"

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