Chapter 4

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Image by: @// kiki-kit (tumblr)

(Y/N) - Your Name
(Y/T/B) - Your twin brother
(Y/S) - Your symbol


Present time
(Second person POV)

"I dare you to jump in", You dare your brother.

"HECK NO", he shouts, backing away from you and the edge of the boat.

"I'll jump in if you do", you try to make a deal with him.

"NO! if you wanna jump in, be my guest, but I'm not touching that water", he crosses his arms and looks away from you.

"Oh come on, (y/t/b), I wanna swim in the ocean, but not all by myself!", you whine.

He sticks his tongue out at you then walks away to the opposite side of the small boat.

"Party pooper...", You mumble towards his direction. Your gaze then falls back upon the ocean. you really want to swim in it, but not all by yourself. That'd be boring! You've been trying to get (y/t/b) to swim with you all morning ever since Ford decided that you all needed a break from sailing. Right now you all are just chilling.

"Hey, kid", Stan suddenly greets as he sits next to you.

You smile a bit up at him, "Oh, hi, Stan"

His head was slightly turned away from you and his long grey bangs covered his eyes so you couldn't really see them. He then asks you, "This may sound blunt, but what's with the (y/s) on your neck? I saw your brother has the same one..."

You blush out of pure embarrassment. You hated when people pointed that mark out. You quickly answer him, "It's just a weird birth mark we were both born with"

He slightly moves his head downwards to where you could just barley see his eyes within his messy bangs. You swear that they looked kinda yellow...

He slightly smirks then says, "Well, kid...weird is the new normal, right?". Then he gets up and walks away before you could even give a response.

Your eyes follow him as he walks away. He had his hands in his thin coat's pockets, his short ponytail swishing as he walks confidently to the control panel room where his twin brother and your great uncle Ben are.

It seemed a bit out of character for him, but hey what do you know? You've only met the man three days ago...

Four years earlier...

It's been about five hours or so since you all left the docks and there's no land in view anymore, just open sea. Currently, you're barfing over the boat's edge right into the ocean.

Your brother pats your back in a comforting way, you were throwing up your organs here while your brother was perfectly fine.

You cough up the last of the vomit and weakly ask him, "How the hell are you not sick?". Your brother just laughs in response.

You lift your head slightly over to him and say, "It's not fair...why'd you have to be the twin with a good immune system?"

He shrugs and smirks while saying, "Because I'm the awesome twin"

"You're the obnoxious twin", You correct him with a groan.

The boat suddenly stops and before either one of you could question anything, your grunkle came out of the control panel room. He walks over to you both as he puts his finger onto his lips in a shushing manor, then points out into the distance.

You look out and see a pod of whales swimming very close to your boat. You and your brother squeal and stare in complete awe at the gorgeous animals.

You see a little one swimming next to a bigger one and squealed quietly, "ITS A BABYYYYYYY"

Your great uncle chuckles quietly at your excited behaviour. "They're such elegant creatures, aren't they?", he asks you both. You and your twin nod without looking away.

A couple of the whales spray water out of their blow holes, some of the water gets on you but you didn't mind. You were to busy imagining Dory and Marlin from Finding Nemo flying up in the air out of the whale's blow holes.

The whales soon swim back beneath the ocean's surface where they are no longer visible.

"I hope Marlin and Dory find Nemo", you suddenly say.

Your brother looks at you weirdly and your grunkle rolls his eyes with a smile.

"Nah, Bruce ate them", your brother tells you while making a shark mouth out of his hands.

You gasp in full offence, "Bruce would never! Fish are friends not food!"

Your grunkle snaps his fingers and says, "ah, that reminds me! For lunch today we're having fish sandwiches"

"Aka Marlin and Dory sandwiches", your brother pitches in.

"AAAAHHHH NUUUUU", you scream at the both of them.

Once lunch was served you refused to eat any of the fish. And kept saying, 'fish are friends not food', annoying the both of them.

Finally, night time had arrived and you and your brother had to share a little bed since this boat is very small.

You both were sitting on your shared bed next to each other now reading the second book of Stanford Pines, since you both finished the first one already.

"I wanna meet this guy", Your brother says, flipping to the next page.

"Yeah, me too. Gravity Falls seems like a very exciting town", you tell him.

After you both finish reading the page, you turn to the next one and see that Bill Cipher guy again.

Your brother boredly says, "Dorito man is back"

You raise a brow at the page and point out, "This exact page was in the first book and it's now in the second. I bet it's even in the third. Whoever this triangle guy is, he's important"

"Of course he's important! He's a demon, a dream demon to be exact", your brother says as he further reads the text.

You read the writing yourself then say, "It even tells you how to summon him...should we try?"

Your brother whips his head towards you, wide eyed and says, "Dude, it literally says right here-", he points to a phrase in the book, "-'do not summon at all costs'! Plus he's a DEMON, (y/n), a DEMON, this guy is not to be messed with!"

You sigh in disappointment and say, "yeah, I guess..."

You both continue reading about Stanford's discoveries and you can't help but feel curious about that dream demon. You hope book three will talk more about him...

Present time...

It seemed a bit out of character for him, but hey what do you know? You've only met the man three days ago...

You shrug and go back to staring into the ocean. That's when you notice that the blue water was turning a red color. You quickly stand up and look around the boat.

You scream for everybody to come out once you see what's surrounding the boat you're on.


I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now