Chapter 5

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Image by: @// GunnTeppen (DeviantArt)

(Y/N) - your name
(Y/S) - Your symbol
(Y/T/B) - your twin brother
(E/C) - eye color


(??? POV)

I watch as (y/n) desperately tries to get his/her/their brother to swim in the ocean with him/her/them.

"Oh come on, (y/t/b), I wanna swim in the ocean, but not all by myself!", (y/n) tries again with a facial expression that screams desperation.

Sheesh, kid, give it up already, he doesn't want to swim...

(Y/t/b) sticks his tongue out at his brother/sister/sibling, then walks towards where my vessel sits.

He nods his head towards me, or should I say this vessel? Then continues walking by, to the back of the boat.

Finally! (Y/n)'s all alone! I can now ask that question I've just been DYING to ask!...

I make this body walk over and sit down right next to (y/n) and greet, "Hey, kid"

He/She/They turns towards me and gives a small yet sweet smile as he/she/they greets back, "Oh, hi, Stan"

I slightly turn Fez's head away from him/her/them to where the vessel's bangs cover his eyes so (y/n) can't see that it's actually my eyes.

So glad Fez decided to grow out his hair instead of trimming it like ol Fordsie...

I casually ask (y/n), "This may sound blunt, but what's with the (y/s) on your neck? I saw your brother has the same one..."

I need to know if it's true...

The kid blushes, getting flustered by the seemingly simple question, then quickly tells me, "It's just a weird birth mark we were both born with!"

Is it funny...

I slightly move Fez's head downwards, making MY eyes a bit more visible. I smirk as I say, "Well, kid...weird is the new normal, right?". Then I make the vessel get up and walk away.

I can feel (y/n)'s eyes on Fez as I make his body walk to the control panel room. I slide his freezing hands in his thin coat's pockets and enter the little room where sixer and Ben are talking about some school they both attended or something.

I have Fez sit down in one of the chairs. I haven't even been possessing this body for five minutes and I can already feel my powers weakening by the second...This is becoming such a chore...

I need to quickly replace my memories with fake memories for Fez, and get the 79 hells out of here!

"CALLING ALL GRUNKLES AND MY TWIN BROTHER!!!", I suddenly hear (y/n) scream from the deck.

Ben quickly runs out with sixer not to far behind. I slowly have Fez get back up again and casually walk out onto the deck, his hands still in his coat pockets.

My eyes slightly widen at the view. There are so many sirens. I know they usually swim in pods, but there's just so many here, that's unusual for them...

Wait, does that mean?...

"SIRENS! QUICK, SOMEONE GET ONIONS!", both sixer and (y/n) yell at the same time. They look at each other in shock of the other's knowledge of a Siren's major weakness. Onions.

With widened eyes Sixer asks (y/n), "How did you?-Never mind!". Then he looks over to my vessel and firmly says, "Stanley, get the onions!"

Before I could do anything (y/t/b) says surprised, "WAIT, guys look..."

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now