Chapter 17-1/2

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(Y/n) - your name
(Y/s) - your symbol

(Bill's POV)

"Still no sign of land...Bill can't you just teleport us out?!", Dipper asks me in a frustrated tone. He's beginning to annoy me.

I glare as I tell him through my gritted teeth, "Don't you think i'd already do that if I could, Pinetree?!!"

"What do you mean?!! You can't bring us back home?!", Dipper snaps back at me.

I roll my eyes at him and reply annoyed, "no, my powers aren't working...damn reverses..."

I didn't even know they knew how to tamper with my abilities... Maybe they forced it out of Will...

"We're not in the Reverse Falls dimension anymore are we?", (y/n) asks me as he/she/they glances over at me.

I make a slight surprised expression then look away from him/her/them and out at the ocean. "We're in...another dimension", I tell him/her/them slowly.

"Wait! Both of you are in the ocean!! You guys can't leave Gravity Falls or Reverse falls so...where the hell are we now?!", Dipper asks, just now understanding our predicament.

(Y/n) rubs his/her/their eyes as he/she/they sits up and faces us again. "Yeah, Bill, I'm kinda confused here", (y/n) tells me, clearly frustrated as well.

Dear elder gods I shouldn't have just waltzed into the reverses' home and expect everything to be all fun and games...can't believe they sent me HERE of all places...and I'm stuck with Pine Tree and (y/n) of all beings...

I don't want them to know...

They can't know...

I close my eyes and sigh out a simple explanation, "I've been here before. This dimension we're in's been years since I've been back here...This dimension was abandoned 17 years ago after the death of the goddess who ruled here...the life forms that once lived here were either killed or sent to other dimensions where they live now"

"Why did the reverses send us here then?", Dipper asks me curiously.

I reopen my eyes and shrug, "I don't know...I honestly don't know"

Half lie. I mean, I don't know why they wanted to send me here, but then again I believe I do know why...

I feel a hand on my shoulder which makes me look to see (y/n) smiling at me sweetly. I smile back then frown as I see something in the ocean rising.

"Alright so we need a pla-AAHHH WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!?!?!?!!?!?", Dipper screams, seeing the crab beast too.

"oh...MY GOD HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!?!?", I scream at the creature as I stand up.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW IT?!?", Dipper asks me in an even more panic than before.

I slightly start to panic as I explain, "I uh lets uh just say I slaughtered his entire family in my younger days and it seems he remembers me anD OH MY ELDER GODS HE'S GETTING CLOSER AND I HAVE NO POWERS!". The creature makes a screeching sound as he swims towards us really really really fast.

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