Chapter 26

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Image by: @// LykasWilliam (DeviantArt)

(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol (Also your mum's name)
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother


(Y/n's POV)

Dr. Blue's and the other two doctors' electricity shoots out of their hands at us, but Tad quickly snaps his fingers which makes us teleport out of the hospital before we get hit.

Once the white mist around us fades away, we're now standing in front of a little cottage in the middle of a forest.

It looks like it's the dwarves' home from Snow White, but a bit more shabby looking. There's a white aged picket fence around the cottage, some boards broken and missing. Tall overgrown grass and flowers are over taking the front yard, but even so the plants make the cottage look nice. The cottage itself looks in great condition, there's no windows strangely though. The whole structure of the house looks sterdy enough and the white walls outside doesn't look to dirty or chipped.

Tad walks in front of (y/t/b) and I and gives us a small smile as he tells us, "Welcome to your new home, kids!"

Tad's words makes me slowly raise a brow. Um...what does he mean by 'new home'...

"New home?...", (Y/t/b) asks Tad in a perplexed tone, voicing both our concerns.

Tad's smile drops and he sighs quietly. "Look...I know this isn't ideal, but we need to stay low until we figure out a way to stop all this madness...", Tad explains to the both of us with a frown.

"Wait, wait, wait, Tad", I say as I wave my hands in front of me, "I get you're trying to protect us, but we can't just abandon everything we have to live with you in another dimension!"

"Yeah, Tad, dude...What are you even trying to do here?", (Y/t/b) tells Tad as he rubs the back of his neck.

Tad closes his eyes and covers his face with the both of his hands. "I can't let either of you get hurt...", Tad whispers, "It's my duty to protect you and I've been doing a shitty job at it!"

Tad slowly brings his hands back down to his sides and reopens his purple eyes. "(Y/n), (y/t/b), your family and friends seek different versions of you and want to selfishly keep you to themselves...I thought maybe if I asked your future selves to come and guide you, I wouldn't have to do much...But I was clearly wrong"

My eyes widen as Tad confesses that he brought our future selves here to the past. "So you basically got lazy and sent ourselves to watch over ourselves?", I ask Tad in disbelief.

"Tad...", (Y/t/b) quietly says beside me.

Tad shrugs and sighs. "Yes, basically that's what I did. I already sent the four futures back to their present though, so it's all up to me again", Tad crosses his arms against his chest, "But back to the point...Bill Cipher, as smart as he can be, is reckless at times. Like now, he's put you, (y/n), in danger by letting all those demons know that he has a weak spot. And your mother, (y/s), she too has let many demons and other creatures know that she will do anything to protect her two darling kids. And this all means that the both of you are in great danger, so many demons and creatures that want vengeance or want to gain something are already trying to locate the both of you and use you kids against (y/s) and Bill! Some will just want to kill you for the fun of it or try to sell you to other demons!"

Tad's words slowly sink in, and I begin to grow more and more afraid for mine and (y/t/b)'s safety. We're so outnumbered, I can see why Tad thinks that we should distance ourselves from everyone...

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