Chapter 13

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Image by: @// emmie (Tumblr)

(Y/N) - your name
(Y/S) - Your symbol
(Y/T/B) - your twin brother


(Y/N's POV)

"What exactly will happen?", I ask Ford, very uncertain about this.

"Nothing harmful. It would just feel like a wall if you can't get passed. That's what it is, an invisible wall to trap odd creatures", Ford tells me with a reassuring smile.

I look back at the road where the 'Leaving Gravity Falls' sign is and take a deep nervous breathe. I glance to Bill and he seemed very enthusiastic about all of this. Not even a bit worried or doubtful.

"I can't wait to leave! I can't wait to leave!", Bill whispers to himself as he bounces up and down.

"Alright, try to leave...I guess", I tell Bill. He immediately runs to where the border line is......

......And runs right into it. Bill then falls to the ground on his back by the impact and I grab my forehead, feeling the bruise form.

"It...didN'T WORK!!?!?! I STILL CAN'T LEAVE THIS STUPID TOWN?!?!?!", Bill yells angrily as he jumps back up and beats against the force field.

"I guess not, Cipher", Ford says, not even bothering to hide his smirk.

"Told you", Tad perks up as he leans against a tree. Bill gives him a hard glare. Tad sighs as he explains, "I told you, Bill, that it was a 50/50 chance of you actually being able to leave Gravity Falls if you made the deal", Tad shakes his head, "you never listen. You never do"

"WHY CAN'T I JUST LEAVE THIS DAMNED PLACE?!?!", Bill screams very loudly which makes everyone cringe.

Tad fiddles with a small purple umbrella as he quietly tells Bill, "You know very well why"

I feel Bill's emotions get a bit on the edge as he quietly responds, "yeah I know..."

'Bill?', I call out in his mind.

Bill bangs his head against the invisible force field then I hear him respond in my mind, 'yes, Angel?'

I lean against a tree and look around as I ask him, 'what's...wrong?'

"Nothing important, (y/n)", he sighs out loud.

I was about to push on, but Dipper interrupts me by saying, "If Bill can't leave...and Bill and (y/n) are connected...doesn't that mean (y/n) can't leave either..."

I feel my eyes dilate as I hold my breathe. Dipper has a point doesn't that mean I can't leave now that I'm connected to Bill?!?

I quickly and loudly ask, "BILL, I CAN'T LEAVE?!?! PLEASE TELL ME I CAN LEAVE"

Bill looks to Tad with a questioning facial expression then Tad holds up his hands and shakes his head 'no'. Bill rolls his head back over to my direction and gives me a large smile...damn it...

I quickly run to the border and try to walk past it, but I can't. I put my hands against the invisible wall and push and hit at it, but I still can't get through...I lean my back against the force field then slide down.

"I...I can't leave...", I slowly say.


"-That's all I know about the force field...I'm sorry, (y/n)", Ford apologizes after explaining all the information.

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now