Chapter 14

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Image by: @// Demon-Seahorse (DeviantArt)

(Y/N) - your name
(Y/S) - Your symbol
(Y/T/B) - your twin brother


(Third person POV)

"NO! I AM NOT LETTING YOU OF ALL BEINGS TAKE THESE KIDS TO SOME RANDOM DIMENSION!", Ford yells at Bill as he slams his hands on the coffee table.

The demon merely scoffs and rolls his uncovered eye, as if his idea wasn't that big of a deal.

"You could always just join us, Ford", Tad states then takes a sip of his tea.

Ford tries to stay calm as he tells the purple dressed demon, "I spent 30 years wandering around in other dimensions whAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANT TO DO ALL OF THAT AGAIN!?!!!"

"Stanford", Stan calls out to Ford in a calming tone as he puts his hand on Ford's shoulder.

Ford takes in a deep breathe then tell the two demons, "I don't want you taking my great niece and nephew or their friends to any other dimension do you understand that?"

Bill sighs frustratedly then says again, "I Just want to take you ALL to my personal favorite dimension for a day then take you ALL back simple as that"

"Nothing's ever simple with you...", Tad mutters. Bill glares at the other demon beside him on the couch then slaps his shoulder. "Ow", Tad says emotionlessly.

"Like I'd ever trust you!", Ford quietly tells Bill with a hard glare.

"Can I say something?", (y/n) shyly asks from his/her/their seat on the couch.

Everyone all turns their attention to the boy/girl/kid and he/she/they clears his/her/their throat before saying, "um, well you know how Bill and I are connected? Well, we can hear each other's thoughts too so I can hear and feel that he doesn't want to cause any actual harm in going to visit this dimension...he really just wants us to see how cool it is...". (Y/n) shrugs and looks to his/her/their hands after speaking.

Ford eyes (y/n) with suspicions; not trusting the kid compeletly. He leans over to Stan and whispers a small plan he has.

"What exactly is he thinking right now?", Ford asks (y/n).

Bill has no expression as he looks Ford in the eyes.

"Hm? Oh, uh, well he um...right now? Like right now right now?", (Y/n) nervously asks Ford.

Ford raises a brow and tells him/her/them slowly, "yeah, I guess?"

(Y/n) covers Mabel's ears then whispers, "he's thinking that you're a fucking cunt nugget". Everyone gasps, except Stan, he's laughing on the floor.

(Y/n) uncovers Mabel's ears and narrows her eyes as she asks, "what? What happened?"

"NOTHING, MABEL!", Dipper yells.

Mabel glares at everyone and asks, "Why can't I know?!"

"You're too innocent!", (y/t/b) says beside her.

She then glares hard at him and lowly asks, "I thought we were on the same side..."

(Y/t/b) nervously sweats as he explains, "I-I AM IT'S JUST...I JUST...I-IT'S TOO DIRTY FOR YOU!!!"

Mabel's angry features turns to a questioning one. "Dirty? Like rolling in the dirt?", she asks.

"Yes, sweetie, that's exactly what it was! You figured it out!", Ford pretends to fake a defeated sound.

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now