Chapter 23

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(Y/n) - Your name
(Y/s) - your symbol (Also your mum's name)
(F/i) - first initial (future you)
(Y/t/b) - your twin brother
(B/f/i) - brother's first initial (your brother in the future)


(F/I-future you's POV)

"This isn't how I remember it...", I whisper as I stare at the bare spot where my past self just was.

"What do you mean?", past (y/t/b) asks me in a slight panicked tone. I now sense everyone's eyes on me, scared and confused.

"I didn't pass out...", I tell them all as I narrow my eyes at the floor, "I never even told Ben that I knew he was my real father...". I slowly cover my mouth with my left hand.

Everything is changed now, drastically, my life is different...I have no control anymore...

How perfect. This is all I ever wanted...freedom for all...

"You...You never spoke to me?", Ben asks me in shock, hurt that even I didn't accept him as my father.

I ignore Ben and turn to my brother, Mason, and May who are all already looking at me with fret.

"Our mission is over now. We failed our team", I tell the three with a heavy glare. (Y/t/b) gives me that apologetic look he always gives me, May sighs and looks down at her feet in disappointment, and Mason does a small yet firm nod in response.

"Mission?", Ford then asks me confused, giving us four a suspicious look. He's been betrayed so often, I feel bad for him.

I sigh quietly before telling everyone sternly, "I'm going to go talk to (y/n) then I'll come back. Don't leave the shack until we both return, you hear me?"

The past Pines and my past brother nods, understanding that this is much more serious now. Ben looks at me with hurt in his eyes, but he slightly nods as well.

"What about us?", (b/f/i) asks me with a concerned look upon his face.

"I was talking to ALL of you. Stay", I respond to him with narrowed eyes.

Before anyone can speak to me any further, I snap my fingers, letting the yellow light surround me and bring me to where my past self resides in the dark forest.

Once the light fades, I look all around me for (y/n). It's very dark out so I squint as I look for him/her/them.

My eyes soon land on (y/n)'s hunched form against a tree, his/her/their head in between his/her/their knees.

"(Y/n)", I calmly call out to my younger self as I slowly walk over and sit next to him/her/them.

He/She/They looks up at me, tears falling out of his/her/their little eyes. "How did you handle it?", (y/n) quietly asks me, referencing our parents.

I faintly smile as I respond, "Much differently than how you just did". His/Her/Their eyes widen in shock at my awnser, then he/she/they looks away from me with a faint sigh.

"You're going to be okay though", I tell my past self with a little smile, "I know everything is scary and frustrating right now, but in the future, my present, it'll all be okay"

He/She/They looks over to me with little to no hope left in his/her/their eyes. "How can you be so sure of that now?", (Y/n) quietly mutters to me,"Your present isn't my future anymore...I have no fucking idea what's in store for me"

I Prefer Sir/Miss/Mx Weird (Gravity Falls X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now