Where is she?

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6 hours later...
Taeyeon pov:

After my CF shoot ended, the girls and I took our manager's car back to our dorm. We took Soo Young back too as she had no transportation home. Yuri was overseas for 'Law of the Jungle'.

On the way back to the dorm, I suddenly thought of Tiffany who said that she would be just waiting at the dorm. I decided to call her to ask whether she was fine.

So I dialled her number. But she did not pick up her phone even after a few rings. Usually she would pick up by the second ring as she spends most of the time on her phone (unless she is busy) but this time she did not pick up.

In the end, she did not pick up the phone call at all. I called her for the second time but still no answer. I continuously called her and even spammed her with messages but again, no reply.

I started to get worried. Is she sleeping? Or maybe in the toilet? Or did she left her phone somewhere? Many questions ran through my mind.

Seohyun saw my actions and expression and asked me what was wrong. I told her about Tiffany not picking up her phone and that I was worried for her.

She comforted me and told me to shrug it off as she may be doing some business. I decided to stop thinking negatively and just wait. I put on my earphones and took a nap.

Annyeong! Nice to meet you all!
I did not expect that some of you actually saw and read my story but I am thankful for it. I hope you guys will continue reading this but I understand if you find it boring and uninteresting...

Sorry And Thanks!

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