What to say?!?

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Taeyeon pov

When the car suddenly stopped, I jerked forward and woke up. I looked around the car, then outside the window and realised that we have arrived. I yawned, stretched and noticed that the others were soundly asleep. I smiled looking at them peacefully sleeping.

I took off my earphone and checked my phone. I read Tiffany's message and was relieved that she was fine. I slowly woke the others up when my manager got off the car and opened the door.

When everyone was awake, we dragged our tired body to the dorm. When we reached, I went straight to my bedroom and lied on the bed.

"What a tiring day," I sighed as I got up again and went to the bathroom to have a long, nice bath to get rid of my fatigue.

A few minutes later, I got out of the bathroom feeling reenergised and comfortable. I looked at my phone and it was already past 10pm. Wow, days sure go fast.

I realised that Tiffany, my room mate, was still not home and wanted to call her when my mind told me not to as she might be busy. I decided to follow my mind and suddenly, I drift off to a deep, slumber sleep.

Tiffany pov

When I got home, it was already late night. I quickly got to the dorm and straight away went to my room. I saw Taeyeon sleeping and smiled sweetly. She looks so cute when she sleeps. I moved nearer to her and heard her sleep talking.

"Fany...Tiffany...I miss you... Where are you?" Taeyeon mumbled in her sleep.

"Awww... she thought of me even in her dreams, how cute!" I said and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Then, I went to sleep...

Author's pov

The next morning, everyone woke up late as they were tired from the activities the day before. Since it was a Sunday, they were given a rest day before continuing their activities for the week.

Everyone had thier daily activities in the morning: Yuri and Hyoyeon taking a jog around their house, Sooyoung, Sunny, Tiffany and Yoona having thier breakfast and Jessica , Seohyun and Taeyeon watching tv.

After a few hours, everyone gathered up at the living room to watch a movie together. While they were choosing the movie, Taeyeon faced Tiffany and asked, " Fany-ah, where did you go yesterday?"

Upon hearing the question, everyone paused what they were doing and looked at Tiffany with a questioning look. They were also curious where she had gone to. Tiffany gulped hard and a cold sweat broke out.

She couldn't reveal her identity to them but she did not want to lie to them too.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Jessica broke it and said ," Are you going out with someone?"

Tiffany faced her, shocked. Everyone also looked suprise and waited for a reply. Without anymore choice, she nodded.

The dorm became loud with thier cheers and claps. When she was asked who he was, Tiffany said she wanted to keep it a secret and hope they would understand. The rest just nodded but still looked at her curiously. Then they all watched a movie.

Taeyeon pov

When I heard that Tiffany was dating someone, I was happy for her but at the same time suspicious. Whenever she was dating someone, she will always tell me first but this time she didn't.

"I know she is hiding something from me," I mumbled.

"And I will find out." I smiled assuringly at Tiffany.

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