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Tiffany pov

I woke up with a throbbing head. I groaned and lied down on the floor, grabbing my head. I waited until the drug slowly weared off before, with difficulty, got up in a sitting position. It took me a while to adjust to my surroudings. I closed my eyes, trying to remember before being drugged. For a moment, I could not remember a thing. I picked up a dart like syringe beside me and suddenly reality hit me.

"Nickhun!" I cursed under my breath and looked around me, regretting doing so when a sharp pain hit me in the head and lingered for a while. Grabbing on the edge of the table, I got up and tried to steady myself. Step by step I got out of the room and went down to the first floor. I was shocked to see a havoc when the lift door opened. Some of the staffs were still lying unconscious on the ground while some were starting to gain consciousness and tried to wake up their fellow work mates. Papers scattered everywhere and chairs and tables were in a disorderly arrangement. It looked as though a hurricane came by.

A worried looking man hurriedly ran towards me and I immediately recognised him. "Oppa!" I called my manager who panted once he stopped infront of me. After taking a few deep breaths, he faced me.

"Are you okay? Are you the only one here?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The... the others... th... they are kidnapped," I stuttered and panic quickly took over me after remembering my friends safety may be at risk. Tears started streaming and I fell into managers arms. Before he could finish soothing me, my phone vibrated and with a blurry vision, I took out my phone. It was a message from Nickhun!

Don't you dare tell anyone about me or your members will get it.

I read it over and over again. Without realising it at first, I was holding my phone in a tight grip. I looked around, trying to find him but there was no one suspicious around. My manager looked at me with a questioning expression and I shook my head with a weak smile.

25 minutes later...

"Where are they?!" I shouted continuously as I ran into the office. I had received a call from In Sung that they had located their location. Greeted by In Sung, James and other agents, I sat down quickly.

"Okay, Tiffany, listen here. We have located them in some abandoned factory and it is quite difficult to get there by car. Unfortunately, Agent K and R have to head off somewhere else and most of the agents need to fly to Singapore for a very important mission. Thus, there are only you, In Sung, Minho and Yerin left." James started his orders and a picture of an old abandoned factory was shown on the visualiser.

"I don't care about that! My friends are in danger and they need help! We can't waste time." I cried out and banged the table.

"Tiffany, I understand how you are feeling but we need to stay professional. Any wrong mistake could put their life at stake. We are dealing with a dangerous group but I know they won't hurt them unless in tight situation. So far, no news have been released yet so I believe they are safe." In Sung continued and moved towards the whiteboard.

"How would you know they would be safe? We don't know what's happening there?!" I vented my frustration.

" Trust me, Tiffany. I know them. Now, let's not waste anymore time as I tell you the plan."

Authors pov

10 minutes passed quickly as the detailed planning was explained to the agents hurriedly. After being dispersed, In Sung and Tiffany walked side by side towards the weapons room with the two other agents following closely. Once being given the necessary items and explained, they were placed in a bag designed for this type of  missions. Throughout the journey, Tiffany's worried expression did not wear off and In Sung had no idea what to do. He decided to leave her alone but it hurts him not being able to see her smile. In Sung looked down at Tiffany's lap and saw her fidgeting with her fingers. Slowly and carefully, In Sung placed his large hand on Tiffany's hand and gave it a comforting grip. Tiffany looked up and In Sung gave her an assuring smile while mouthing, "Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

The agents had to run the last 3 km to reach the factory as it was not accessible by car. The area was really spooky. There was no sign of living creatures but only trees that were swaying with the wind. When the factory came into view, it looked as though no one was there. Hiding behind the trees, the agents took out the binoculars that were specially created to see in the dark and that can zoom in from atleast 5km away with a very clear view. Through the binoculars, moving figures were seen through windows and glasses. With a sign from Minho, all 4 agents separated to their areas as planned.

Instead of going through the front and back doors, they were going to climb through the windows. It was the only way to not be seen. Tiffany ran as fast as she could to the left side of the factory while hiding behind trees at the same time. The agents were wearing shoes that would not make any noise no matter where they stepped on. Once she reached the left wall of the factory with a window directly above her, she turned on her earpiece.

"Agent T in place." She whispered. One by one, the agents were in their places.

"Everyone in place. Gloves out. Climb." Tiffany heard Minho's order and took out her sticky gloves. After putting them on, she looked up. Taking in deep breaths, Tiffany looked ahead.

"I will save you guys no matter what."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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