No Rest For Me...

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Tiffany pov

When I got home, it was already midnight. Time sure pass by fast. Everyone was in their room except someone. The kitchen's light was turned on and rummaging sound was heard.

Afraid that it might be a burglar or something, I tip-toed stealthily and peeked into the kitchen. The fridge door was opened so I looked over the door and found Tae Yeon searching for something.

"Boo!" I scared her and she fell on her butt with a thud. I giggled and helped her got up.

"Sorry, just wanted to have fun." I stuck out my tongue to make fun of her. Tae Yeon stood up and tapped on her clothings to dust off the dirt.

"Yeah, yeah. Always trying to scare me." She smirked and bent down into the fridge again.

"Why are you still awake? And what are you looking for?" I asked as I got myself a can of coke.

"Cheese, for my ramen." She said and pointed at the stove. I looked at the stove and saw the ramen cooking.

Finally, she found her cheese and placed it inside the ramen. After a few minutes of stirring, she turned off the stove and carried it to the table. I also sat together with her. She handed me a pair of chopsticks and we dug in.

Since I did not have my lunch and dinner yet, I was feeling very hungry. After eating the ramen, I munched on 2 packets of snacks. Then, I ate some leftover bread that I found in the fridge.

"Did you eat lunch? And dinner?" Tae Yeon asked me. I shook my head.

"What kind of boyfriend does not feed you?" She asked again. I kept quiet and avoid looking into her eyes. What do I say?

Tae Yeon pov

I waited for her to answer but instead she got up and went to our room. I sighed and also got up. After washing the dishes, I went inside the room and found Tiffany changing into her sleeping attire. I looked at her bed and found a black costume.

"Fany-ah, you were wearing that when you came home but wore another one when you left." I noticed and told her while pointing at her bed.

"Ahm... m... my boyfriend bought it for me." She stammered and avoid my gaze again. I just gave her an 'okay?' look then went to bed.

Tiffany pov

That was so close. I almost got caught. I quickly placed my clothings in the laundry and stuffed the black costume in my bag. I took off my watch and placed it on my dressing table that was beside my bed. Then, I quickly hopped into bed and went to dreamland.

In Sung's pov

I quickly drove back to the headquarters and was relieved when I saw James outside the shop. He was busy talking to someone but was whispering and kept looking around. Well, he looks suspicious...

I called James and waved to him when he faced to my direction. He looked startled and quickly put his phone in his pocket. I jogged towards him and lightly punched his shoulder.

"Hyung, I was so worried just now. No one answered when I called. What happened?" I asked him and noticed droplets of sweat on his forehead. But since it was dark, I could not see his facial expression.

"Breakdown. Sorry," James answered then entered the shop. I followed him and just shrugged.

When we reached, the place was filled with bustling of people. James looked at me with a worried look and quickly went to turn on his monitor. He gestured me to come by his side and I obeyed.

"Members of F(x) kidnapped at 10.45 p.m. on 11/1/17 while they were on the way to KBS station for a radio show." I read aloud and gasped.

Celebs being kidnapped?!? Not an easy mission...

"Call Tiffany quick!" James instructed me and I quickly pressed the emergency button on my watch.

Tiffany pov

While I was happily dreaming about me kissing In Sung, suddenly, a beeping sound woke me up. I looked around in a daze and saw red lights on my watch. Forgetting what it means, I closed my eyes but after a moment, realization hit me and I quickly got up and went straight to the bathroom to wash myself up. I changed my clothings, grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. Instead of taking the lift, I ran down the staircase and hopped into my car.

I turned on the engine but suddenly, I remembered that I left my watch so I got out of the car and climbed up the flight of staircase. I key in the door's password, ran into my room but tiptoed stealthily to my bed to get my watch and not wake Tae Yeon up. Then I hurried back into the car and drove off to the shop.

After a 30 minute drive, I arrived and went down the tube. I found James and In Sung waiting for me. I quickly ran over to them.

"Good, everyone's here." James said before telling us the mission and giving us our gadgets. In Sung and I changed to our suits. Then we took the car and drove off to our destination.

In the car, I fidgeted nervously as I looked outside the window.

"Tiffany, are you okay? You look pale." In Sung broke the silence and touched my shoulder. An assuring feeling hit my body at the feeling of his touch. I looked at him, curving a smile.

"I'm just worried, my juniors which are also like my sisters are kidnapped." I sighed and looked out of the window again.

I just hope they will be alright...

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