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Tiffany pov

"Come here!" In Sung called me, grabbed my arm and led me to climb higher up the ferry. Once we were on the top of the ferry, I peeped down and saw the men searching around the area.

"Oh my gosh! We almost got caught because of me! I'm so sorry." I whispered to him who was laughing in response.

"What's so funny? Is there something on my face?" I asked and hit his shoulder lightly. He shook his head and covered his mouth.

"No, no. The way you look just now when you were scared and panicking. It was so funny and cute." He answered in between his giggles. My cheeks suddenly felt hot.

" think I'm cute?" I asked without thinking. Suddenly I realised what I had said.

"W...wait, ignore that." I said quickly and looked away. I smiled unknowingly and I brushed my hair away from my face. Suddenly, In Sung oppa nudged me and motioned me to look at something. I followed his gaze and saw two men chit- chatting, totally not paying attention to their surroundings.

"On the count of three, we shoot the sleeping gun at each of them." He told me and we slowly took out the guns from our bag as quietly as possible. Once we were ready, I nodded my head to give a signal.

"1, 2, 3, shoot!" He whispered. I pointed my gun at one of the men and shot. The bullet went flying through the air and onto the man's shoulder. The other bullet from In Sung oppa went into the other man's leg. Within a few seconds, both of them fell unconsciously with their guns on the ground. Without waiting for me, In Sung oppa slowly climbed down while looking out for anyone approaching. I followed suit and we both quickly threw their weapons and took their black clothings and black cap and sunglasses that they were wearing. We put them on hurriedly and pushed the bodies aside.

"Will they be alright?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Yeah. They will wake up later. Don't worry, the bullets aren't really bullets. They are some drug that knock people out." He answered without looking at me. He looked ahead with a serious look. With the change of attire, we looked unrecognizable for some reason. I hid my ponytail in order to hide myself. We walked past many of the men but none of them seemed to be suspicious of us.

Tae Yeon pov

With a throbbing head, I got up slowly. Cold wind hit me as I shivered.

"W... where am I?" I asked myself as my vision got clearer. How many times am I going to fall unconscious? I looked around and my eye opened wide when I realized where we were. We were in a fridge room. We were surrounded by four walls and the temperature as low as the normal freezer temperature. There were many raw food surrounding us. Unfortunately, it was only spring outside so I was wearing not so thick clothings! We were going to freeze to death! Beside me, Jessica squirmed and eventually got up. Soon, she realized our situation and broke into tears.

"We are so gonna die this time! No, no, Tae Yeon-ah, this can't be happening!" Jessica cried out. I leaned in and hugged her, rubbing her back to comfort her. Suddenly, the door opened and I could feel the heat entering.

"Well, well, Miss Tae Yeon and Miss Jessica. How are you doing? The both of us thought of a new idea and so, we are letting both of you go." One of the Kim brothers said.

"Aaaahhh... thank you? Please... please let us out... it's too cold." I grunted through my teeth as I hugged my body. Jessica nodded with puffy red eyes and looked at them with sadness in her eyes.

"Before that... we may have to remove part of your memory..." He trailed off and my eye widened. The next moment, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my neck and blackness took over me with numbness all over my body.

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