First Mission( Part 1)

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Tiffany pov

When the movie had ended, our eyes were swollen and the sofa was full of wet tissues. The movie was so touching that made us feel emotional.

"So what are we going to do now?" Yoona asked, rubbing her puffy eyes.
Everyone shrugged.

"Let's just watch another movie, this time a thrilling one and not sentimental." Sunny suggested then look at Sooyoung who was the one who chose the movie they were watching. Sooyoung gave a 'what-did-I-do' look causing everyone to laugh. Soon, we were all watching another movie.

Half-way through the movie, my watch which was given by James suddenly beep, catching everyone's attention to me. I didn't realise that I have been wearing the watch since morning.

Well, the watch was pink in colour so yeah...

The watch continued beeping and red light was shown. After realising my situation, I quickly got off the sofa and told them that I had to head somewhere. Without waiting for their answer or reaction, I ran to my room and take the necessary things like my belongings. Then I ran out of the dorm without bidding goodbye.

I quickly ran to the carpark and drove off in my car to the shop that James told me. When I reached, I head to the back of the shop as there was no one there. I stepped into the tube and tried to find a button to travel down but I couldn't find one. After a few minutes of struggling inside the tube, I called James and finally the elevator moved.

When I reached, agents and workers were running here and there. James was walking back and forth with a worried look. I quickly ran to James and without wasting any time, he pulled me into the gadgets room.

I was given a bag filled with some gadgets, an earpiece and a phone. I was also given a spy costume to be worn. It was comfortable like pyjamas and enable me to move easily as if I was not wearing anything. Then, I was pulled back to James office.

"Now, Tiffany. This is a very important and dangerous mission. Unfortunately, In Sung is kidnapped as we had sent him there first since we thought that he would be able to save the hostages but he is now also a hostage. I know and understand that this is your first time but you will have to do it alone since your partner is unavailable and the others are busy," James explained the situation. After a few minutes of explaining, planning and understanding, I headed to the carpark (which I had no idea there was actually one) and was given a black car.

Amazingly, the cars drive by itself! All I had to do was say the destination!

After around an hour of driving, the car suddenly stopped abruptly, causing me to jerk. I quickly got off with my bag and put on my mask that was given by James just now. I had to keep my identity a secret.

I turned on my earpiece and without wasting anymore time, I ran behind a nearby tree. I checked the surrounding and the atmosphere felt tense and eerie. The building looked like an abandoned factory hidden somewhere at the end of the woods.

Suddenly two burly man walked out of the factory and talked loudly to each other. I looked closer and realised that they were holding weapons. One was holding a gun, while the other a knife. Since the tree bark was big and my frame was quite small, I managed to hide behind there quietly.

I turned on the 'eavesdrop mode' on my earpiece and listened to their conversation.

"The hostages held are so naggy, but they wouldn't even want to hand us the money. We can't even kill them cause boss say so." The one with the gun said.

"But at least we got to torture that 'hero'." The other one continued.

Hero? Do they mean In Sung oppa?

After they were out of sight, I quickly but silently crept into the factory. The front door was opened a little so I peeked in and noticed that no one was there.

Without thinking twice, I opened the door and my action led a loud creaking sound that echoed through the factory.

"Argh, why am I so stupid." I mumbled angrily under my breath as I saw four tall and muscular guys running towards the opening. I sighed and got ready to take action but soon, I realised that I had no idea how to fight and defend myself.

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