First mission( Part 2)

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Tiffany pov

Suddenly, a voice appeared. I looked around but no one was around me, except those guys who are still coming to me.

"Tiffany, it's me James. I will help you if needed. Now go fight them! Hwaiting!"

I realised that it was from my earpiece. How stupid am I? Wait, what!?! I don't know how to fight! How is this even 'helping' me?!?

"Tiffany, you can do this. Just do it!" I encouraged myself under my breath. I looked around and found a metal rod beside my foot. Perfect.

I quickly took it and held it hard. The guys are getting closer, no time to waste. I touched my belt to find the smoke bombs that was given( yes, I was wearing a belt). Then I quickly rummaged my bag to find a goggle. I put in on and walked nearer to them. I turned on the goggles and waited for them to be a few feet away.

Without hesitating, I threw 4 smoke bombs to the ground. Heavy smoke formed, causing the vision to be hazy and the guys to be coughing hard. I guess I threw too much.

Since I was wearing mask and a special goggle, I was not affected by it. I quickly used the rod to hit all of them, causing them to be unconscious. Once the smoke lessen, I saw 4 motionless bodies on the ground.

I dropped the rod in disbelief at what I had done. I just beat 4 guys on my own!

"Well done Tiffany. I knew you could do it." James spoke through the earpiece causing me to smile confidently.

"It's still not over yet, Ms Tiffany."

I stopped smiling and got back to serious mode as I walked pass the bodies. I tip-toed to a staircase and got up secretly. I held my 'sleeping gun' infront of me as I moved on.

When I reached the second level, I was suprised that there was no one guarding the area there. That's weird? Shouldn't someone be atleast guarding this area?

I looked around and found CCTVs installed.

"Level 2, open area. Someone is breaking in," The speaker said.

"Oh no, I'm discovered," I sighed in frustration as I looked around frantically, trying to find a hiding place. Unfortunately, that area was empty but there were a few doors located at the other end of the level.

If I were to run back to level 1, it will be too late to do so. Argh, Fany-ah, think, THINK!

Suddenly, a group of men were running up the staircase while some came from the rooms. I froze in fear at the number of people appearing. Since I was desperate, I fell on my knees and brought my hand up.

"I surrender!" I shouted and dropped my gun.

In Sung's pov

"I surrender!" A voice was heard outside the room. I looked up and pain shot through my body. I was tied up tightly and my mouth was gagged with a towel. Not only me but the others kidnapped were also in the same condition, except of being tortured. Everyone's attention was on the door.

"I surrender"? Who would say that? Unless... she is here!?! Tiffany came...? Alone!?!

My eyes widened when the door opened, revealing Tiffany with her hands tied together. She was pushed inside and locked the door again.

Tiffany pov

"Oppa, are you okay?" I asked worriedly as I approached him. He was also wearing a mask. He had scratches and wounds on his body and his eye was swollen. He nodded. I looked around and found 5 people tied up too. I asked them whether they were alright and everyone nodded assuringly as they could not talk since their mouth were gagged.

I secretly looked around and took out a 'lipstick' from my back pocket. I took off the cover with difficulty and pointed it at the ropes tied around my hand. Soon, the rope cut and I was free.

I hurried over to In Sung's side. Without wasting any more time, I quickly cut the ropes on his hands and legs.

"Nice, I thought they took all of your gadgets."

I smirked and helped the others too. After we were all freed, I stealthily tip-toed towards the door. Pressing my ear on the door, I tried to hear any sound outside. Fortunately, no sound was heard. I tried turning the door's knob but it was locked.

"Let me help you," In Sung oppa walked towards the door and fished out a thin wire from his pocket. He tried unlocking the door with some turnings and a click was heard.

He smirked and opened the door. I shrugged and looked around. No one was there, again. We quietly walked and strangely, no announcement of us being discovered was heard.

We went downstairs and still no one was there. I found my gadgets on a table and quickly took them all. We headed outside and went to the car.

We drove off, without anyone chasing after us.

"Oppa, why was the place so empty just now? There were so many people just a few moments ago." I asked as I helped aid some of the people who had minor injuries. He did not answer and continued staring at the road with a blank expression.

"Oppa? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fany-ah, I think we have a crisis. I tried contacting James and the other workers but no one answered. I think something happened there," He answered and frowned.

"What do we do then?" I asked again but he ignored me and stared blankly. I shrugged and sat down after helping them.

After about an hour, we reached the police station and after handing them to the police officers there, we went back to the car.

"Oppa, do you want to get treatment first?" I broke the silence and faced him. He shook his head and showed a worried expression.

"Tiffany, you can go home first. I will go to the headquarters alone." He said and I just nodded. I handed him my gadgets and took my belongings from the car. I left without bidding goodbye as I did not want to disturb him.

As I walked to the bus-stop, which was just a few metres away, I turned back and saw the car going to the opposite way. I sighed and got in the bus that just arrived.

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