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The next day...

Tiffany pov

It was a peaceful morning. I was jogging around the park to keep myself fit and healthy. My comeback was just around the corner so I had to keep in shape. Listening to my recent song which I was going to perform soon, I jogged to the rhythm. There were not many people around as it was 6 a.m. in the weekends so I sang the song in a whisper volume.

"Ho, ho holiday. Ho, ho, ho, holiday." I sang the chorus as I jogged pass a small pond. Suddenly, I heard someone yelling for help and I quickly stopped in my tracks. I looked around and my eyes widened when I saw a boy ,who was around 3-years-old, waving his hands frantically and shouting for help in between his breathings in the middle of the pond.

"How did he get there?" I asked out loud as I took off my earphones and ran towards the pond. Without thinking twice, I jumped into the pond and swam towards the boy. I didn't know that the pond was quite deep. Luckily, I learnt how to swim and managed to reach the boy. I held his head up and placed my hand under his armpits before pulling him with me as I swam to shore. The boy was hardly breathing and my inside started panicking. The ducks that were swimming there made way for us as I struggled to keep the boy's head up.

Finally, I felt the sand and I walked out of the pond, carrying him in my arms. He was unconscious as I laid him on the ground. Many people had crowded around the pond and I heard some calling the ambulance. A woman, the mother perhaps, came running towards the boy and crouched down. She looked so worried and tears were strimming down her cheeks. I performed CPR which I learnt during my school days. After a few minutes, the boy coughed out water and shot up from his lying position. At the same time, the ambulance had arrived and carried the boy on a stretcher into the ambulance. I heaved a sigh and realised that many people were actually recording and praising me for being a saviour. I smiled at them as I slowly got up from my seating position and walked home. The crowd gave me space to walk and I heard mumbles saying that I was "Tiffany from SNSD". I felt proud as I made my way towards the dorm. Soaking wet, I took the elevator to level 9. Luckily there was no one inside as the lift went up.

The floor was slightly wet because of me and I walked out of the lift upon reaching the level. I key in the password of the dorm and was greeted by cold air from the air-conditioner.

"Yah! Can someone pass me a towel?" I shouted once I reached inside but did not enter the house yet.

"Why?" Soo Young asked as she walked towards the door with a bag of chips.When she saw me, her eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost.

"Why are you so wet?" She asked as she munched on more cheeks.

"Just get me a towel before I finish all your chips." I grunted as I took off my running shoes. She rolled her eyes before getting me a towel. I dried myself and went to the bathroom to wash up. When I got out of my room, I found my members ,who were in their room when I got home, standing  outside my room with a smile. Creeped out, I tried walking pass them but Tae Yeon grabbed my arm.

"Fany-ah, you're so nice. You saved a drowning boy just now? We are so proud of you!" She said before hugging me.

"Wait what? How do you guys know?" I asked as I hugged her back and in the end I was hugged by 8 girls. Tae Yeon broke the hug and showed me a video. I played it and saw myself saving the boy. Someone had taken a video of me, posted it and went viral.

"Wow... that was fast. It happened just a few minutes ago." I said in disbelief at the power of the internet.

2 days later...

After that viral video, many reporters interviewed me and I was known as the 'The Hero". I felt embarrassed yet proud. I also became more famous around the neighbourhood.

The mother of the boy thanked me profusely when I visited the boy at the hospital. Thankfully he was fine and I received gifts of appreciation. I found the young boy cute as he hugged me multiple times.

After all the incidents, I finally realized that there was no help called from James. I decided to go to the shop to see if everything was fine.

After a few hours of driving...

I hopped out of the car and went down the 'elevator'. When I got down, no one was there so I headed to the main office and found all of them working hard just like normal. I saw James monitoring their work and I called for him. He turned and once he saw me, he moved towards me.

"James, nothing's wrong? I didn't receive anything for the past 2 days?"

"Nope, nothing. Oh ya! I heard you saved someone. So proud of my agent!" He beamed then lightly slapped my shoulder. I chuckled and realised someone was not here.

"Where's In Sung oppa?" I asked with curiosity as I looked around, finding him but to no avail.

"His busy with his new movie so he slept in his own place."

I nodded but felt a little disappointed. Suddenly, James took my wrist and dragged me off to somewhere. I followed him and asked him questions but he did not answer. Finally, he stopped infront of a room. He tapped a pink card on the door and opened it, revealing a neat pink room.

"Wah!" I gasped as I looked around with a wide opened eyes.

"Your new room. So that you can rest or wash up or whatever you want to do. We have been preparing the room for the last 2 days. This room was the room of an agent long ago but since he's no longer around, you can have it."

Just as I was about to ask him what happened, he answered as if he could read my mind.

"He died in a mission. By the way, do you wonder why there are only two spies here? Because we couldn't risk many getting sacrificed to save others." He continued and I nodded. He ushered me inside as I headed towards the bed and jumped on it. He closed the door to give me privacy as I explored the room. The room was painted pink, the bed was also pink but the furnitures were of different colours. There was a small kitchen at the end of the room with the bathroom at the other end. The bed was in the middle of the room while the furnitures covered the remaining spaces. It was exactly like a hotel room but much more cozier and comfortable.

After a few hours of spending there, I went back to the dorm. I joined the girls who were watching a drama and when was asked about my activities just now, I lied saying that I was with my boyfriend eventhough my heart ached.

I decided to introduce Nickhun to them tomorrow so that I could atleast lift some weight off my chest.

???' pov:

"Yes sir, did you call for me?"

"Yes, yes, you're finally here. I have a new mission for you. First, watch this."

-tossed phone to him-

-caught the phone and played it-

-the video showed Tiffany saving the drowning boy-

-video ended-

"Do you know who she is?"

"Yes, sir. Tiffany from SNSD sir."

"Good. Now my new mission for you. Kill her and everyone she loves."

"W... what s...sir? B...but she is famous! I might get caught doing so."

"Kill her or I kill you."

"S... sorry sir. I will do as you wish."

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