More Lies

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Tiffany pov

I hurriedly got my belongings and the things I brought from James who returned them to me. I hailed a taxi and drove to SM's building after 10 minutes. Luckily, I had changed clothings before getting out of the shop because I found Tae Yeon sitting on a  seat, facing the entrance door, fiddling with her phone. She looked up and once she she saw me, she waved and a smile spread across her face. I headed towards her, returning a smile and waved at her.

When I stood beside her, suddenly, Tae Yeon's expression changed into a worried look as she slapped my arm lightly.

"Where were you? We have been calling and texting you for hours but you did not answer? We were so worried sick!" She cried out and broke down into tears. Shocked by her sudden change, I quickly engulfed her in a big hug and patted her back comfortingly.

"Sorry, I was a bit busy with my... ah... ah... boyfriend." I answered, trying to avoid facing Tae Yeon as all of the members would know if I'm lying just from looking into my eyes. Tae Yeon broke the hug and faced me with puffy eyes. My heart started racing and my palms got sweaty. I was afraid that she knew that I was lying. Luckily, she did not notice anything but instead started asking many question.

"You were with your boyfriend at that late of the night? Wait... wait... did you guys do something? OMO... Fany-ah... you did not right? Wait... firstly, tell me. Who is he? Is he a celebrity?" Tae Yeon continued on but I shut her up before she could ask more.

"Taengoo- ah, firstly, nothing happened between us ok? We are keeping a safe distance. Secondly, I will tell you who when it is the right time." I said but suddenly my heart started feeling uneasy again.

I have never kept a secret between us nine but this is for the best. Ahhh... what do I do with my 'boyfriend'? I can't  make up an imaginary boyfriend with an imaginary name. They will soon find out the truth and everything will be revealed. Wait the second... if only...

"Ahm... I will introduce you guys to him maybe this Sunday." I suggested and shrugged. Then, Tae Yeon smile grew big and dragged me to the third floor where our practice room were. When the door opened, all the girls stopped practicing and suddenly I landed in a big group hug.

"Where were you Fany- unnie? We were so worried!" Seo Hyun asked.

"I know right. I thought you were kidnapped or something bad happened to you." Yoo Na continued.

"Ahhhh... I almost called the police! Tell us where you are next time!" Sunny said.

I smiled knowing that the girls cared for me. I broke the hug and looked at them. Even though my heart told me to confess, my mind told me not to do so. I sighed and repeated what I had said to Tae Yeon.

"Sorry guys, I was with my boyfriend. I know you guys are curious about him too. I promise to introduce him to you this Sunday." I explained and scratched my neck.

Soon practice started again. We were practising 'Lion heart' and 'Into The New World Ballad' for a performance next week. As I danced to the music, my mind started drifting off to the F(x) members, then to the missions and my so called 'boyfriend'.

Without me noticing, my dancing steps were wrong. Suddenly, someone called my name and my train of  thoughts vanished. I looked up and saw the girls staring at me. I shook my head and apologised. Our practice continued but I could not concentrate and kept making mistakes.

After 2 hours, practice ended and I laid down. Feeling exhausted, I gulped my bottle of water. I was suprised when the girls suddenly crowded around me.

"Yah Fany-ah, what's wrong? Did something happen? Why were you dazing off during practice?" Hyo Yeon asked me with a worried tone. The others nodded and also looked at me worriedly.

"Ahhh... nothing. I was just tired. I didn't really sleep last night remember?" I tried finding an excuse. The others just shrugged and lied down.

Tae Yeon pov

Even though Fany said that she was just tired, I know something was going on. Sure she did look tired, but I know that she won't daze off when she is tired. She would just yawn and stretch, but she wouldn't do that many mistakes. I looked at her suspiciously as she looked at her phone and watch.

Wait, I have never seen that watch before. Did her boyfriend bought it?
I walked towards her and sat down beside her.

"New watch huh?" I asked and she looked surprised to see me.

"Ah... ah... yeah. My... my boy... boyfriend bought it." She stuttered and avoided eye contact. The fact that she did not look at me makes it more suspicious. Suddenly, she received a call and excused herself as she ran out of the room. I watched her as she ran off.

Whose call is that until you have to run off that fast? Fany- ah, I know your hiding something...

Tiffany pov

Once I reached the toilet, I picked up my ringing phone.

"Luna-ah, how's Krystal? I heard she is hospitalised." I answered.

"Ahm... she's ok. How about you? Are you ok? You got shot right, unnie?" Luna asked and I giggled at how cute she sounded like.

"Yeah, I am okay. I'm back to normal. My wound hurts alittle but I can withstand it." I said. We talked for a few more minutes before hanging up the phone. Suddenly, I remembered about my 'boyfriend'. I looked through my contacts and texted someone.

Let's meet. I need to ask you something.- Tiffany

I waited for a few minutes and finally got a reply.

Ok. Maybe tomorrow? I'm busy today. - Someone

Ok- Tiffany.

I ended the message and went back to practice. We practiced for a few more hours before going back to our dorm. Feeling tired, I bathed and fell asleep first after not being able to sleep the day before and tired from the missions.

The next day...

Tiffany pov

I got ready and drove my car to the nearby cafe where we promised to meet. I ordered a drink and sat on a seat, facing the door. I surfed through the internet and updated my social medias as I waited for him. Since he was a busy man, I understand him and didn't mind waiting for him.

After a few minutes, a familiar-looking figure entered through the door. He smiled cutely at me and I waved at him.

"Nickhun-ah!" I called for him as he approached me.

Hey guys! How's my story so far? I would like to thank the readers who have voted my story. THANKS! I'm really happy that there are people who would like to read my stories. I thought my stories were bad but I didn't mind coz I'm writing for fun. I hope most of you won't lose your interest though...

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