The Deal

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Tiffany pov

"Nickhun-ah, it's been a long time since we have seen each other." I smiled at him as he sat down opposite me. He returned a smile and a wink and greeted me. He ordered a drink and we talked for a while as it had been months since we have last seen each other.

After a while, I decided to ask him the question. I looked at him nervously as my fingers fidgeted. He gave me a 'what's wrong?' face and raised an eyebrow.

"Ahm... can I ask you a favour?" I started and looked at him in the eye.

"Anything... remember, you can wish anything you want me to do. I promised it and I won't break it." He answered assuringly as I gulped. The unforgettable scene came flooding into her mind again...

8 years ago...
It was early in the morning. I decided to walk to school instead of asking my father to drive me there. I wanted to take some fresh air after the stressful and tiring weeks. As I stepped into my school gate, I saw a figure at the roof top of the school building. My eyes widen when I saw him stepping on the ledge of the building. I dashed inside school and ran up the flight of stairs to the rooftop.

When I reached the top, I gasped for air as I looked around frantically for the guy. My heart stopped when I realised that it was Nickhun.

"Yah! Nickhun! What are you doing?" I yelled at the top of my lungs as he turned around to see me.

"I can't take it anymore! I don't want to live!" He answered as he took a step forward. I panicked as I jerked forward, trying to stop him.

"I thought you love your life. You have the money, the looks, the smartness and even a family. Your life is perfect." I continued, trying to waste some time.

Nickhun turned around fully and faced me. My heart skipped a beat when I saw sweat dripping from his handsome face and his hair blowing with the strong wind. I gulped when I saw his Adam Apple moving down then up. Well, I had a crush on him so don't mind me...

"Yes, I do have almost everything thanks to my parents. But what I need most is love. Love, Fany-ah." He cried and took another step back.

"Nickhun! How can you leave us like that? You promised that we will be friends forever. You, me, Tae Yeon and Taecyeon. We stay together, we laugh together..." I paused.

"We die together."

Just as I was about to cry, Tae Yeon and Taecyeon came bursting through the doors.

"Yah! Why are you standing there!" Taecyeon shouted as he gestured him to stop. Tae Yeon, too, did the same but Nickhun did not budge.

"Guys, I love you all so much. But it hurts when my parents treat me like a nobody. I tried impressing them with my grades, my behaviour... I tried to be a prefect person and a good son to get their attention for once. I bet you have hugged and kissed your parents every day but not me. I don't even see them all the time. All they talk about is work and money. ONLY ABOUT THEIR WORK AND MONEY. They didn't even asked me how was school or didn't even greet me in the morning. The last goodnight kiss I remembered was maybe when I was a baby. It hurts alot, you know." He complained and I saw tears running down his cheeks. My heart softened at the scene. What he said was true. Whenever we went to his house, his parents only greeted us then disappeared to their rooms. I felt bad for him. I stepped forward and tried conforting him.

"Khun-ah, we can shower you with love. You have us. We have been friends since kindergarten and we know each other well. Right guys?" I said and Tae Yeon and Taecyeon nodded. He wiped his tears and took a step back. Realisation hit him as he thought about his decision. Just as he was about to climb down from the edge, he tripped and fell off. Luckily, he grabbed on a railing and was hanging there.

"Nickhun!" All 3 of us shouted as we ran towards him. I got to him first and pulled him up with all my strength. Tae Yeon ran to call for help while Taec Yeon and me pulled him up. Unfortunately, his hands were slippery and started slipping off our hands. Just as our hands were about to let go, I grabbed his shirt and Taec Yeon gasped at my sudden strength. He quickly also pulled him when Nickhun managed to get hold of the railing again. Finally, we managed to save him as teachers started crowding at the door of the rooftop. I let go of Nickhun once he was safely on the ground and gasped for air.

"T... Tif... Tiffany... you just saved me." Nickhun stuttered as he crawled towards me and hugged me tightly. Even though I was shocked, I smiled and returned a hug as we stayed there for a few minutes.

"Awwww... so sweet." Tae Yeon teased us as we quickly broke the hug after realising there were many people watching us.

I was so relieved that he was still with us and I couldn't stop smiling. Nickhun was given a harsh scolding after being examined in the school's clinic. That night, Nickhun called me.

Yo fany-ah - Nick

Hai- Me

Are you sleeping? - Nick

What a stupid question to ask me now. You just disturbed my sleep - Me

I just want to thank you for just now and sorry. I promise I will make up with you for making you so worried sick. - Nick

Nah, I'm fine - Me

I promise I will do you a favour anytime, anywhere. - Nick

Hmmm... I like that - Me

We talked for a few more minutes before ending the call. That night was I had a peaceful sleep as I thought about the hug and his confessions.

Going back to the present...

"Nickhun-ah... can you..." I hesitated as I eyed Nickhun for any response. Instead he returned a smile as he tapped on the table, waiting.

"Can you be my boyfriend?" I blurted out as my cheeks starting burning. Nickhun eyes opened wide as he looked into my eyes, as if searching for an answer. I gulped as he shook his leg and looked away, deep in thoughts.

"Okay." He answered shortly and looked at me again. Well, that was easier than I had expected.

"We don't have to be really... ahm... real. I just need someone to be my boyfriend because I have to cover up something. We can be together for like a year then just break up. Or if everything goes well... we can... continue and actually really date." I explained but lower my volume at the last part. Nickhun heard that part and suddenly he got excited.

"So it is possible for us to be actually officially together?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow. I nodded and his smile grew bigger.

"I totally will do this favour for you." He decided and showed his eye- smile that melted my heart.

Hai guys... AAAAHHHH... SNSD comeback! Have you guys heard Holiday and All Night... I love them as much as I love SNSD! I hope all of you will continue supporting my story even though it sucks! Sowie...

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