I love you...

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Author's pov

A few hours had past and the Girl's Generation members grew worried when they realised Jessica had not returned home. They had called her and found out that she left her phone in her room.

"Guys, what should we do now?" Seo Hyun asked worriedly as she paced back and forth.

"Let's split up. Sunny, Hyo Yeon, Seo Hyun and me. Soo Young, Yuri and Yoo Na together. My group will check around the garden and park while the rest go to the shops area."  Tiffany suggested and they all agreed. We headed out and started our search. It was dark so we used our torchlight from our phones to see clearer.

After 2 hours, we grew tired and decided to head home. None of us could find a trace of her. Sunny called their manager to tell him about the news and he told them to stay in the dorm safely and not to go out. They obeyed but still felt uneasy and scared.

"Guys, if I am the next to be kidnapped, tell my family that I am sorry for every thing I had done and tell my sister that I was the one who had eaten all her snacks last week." Soo Young confessed and we burst into laughters.

"Yah, we will now stick together no matter where we go for safety. And Soo Young-ah, you're so dead if your sister finds out." Sunny giggled and this made the atmosphere brighter. They all just sat worriedly after that and prayed that they were safe after shutting all the doors and windows tight.

Tiffany pov

I sat on the sofa next to Hyo Yeon and fiddled with my phone. Suddenly my phone beeped and I looked at it immediately, hoping that it was Jessica. Unfortunately, it was just a message from Nickhun. Just as I was about to read it, suddenly, my phone rang and Nickhun's name appeared on my phone screen. Hyo Yeon took a glance and wiggled her eyebrows while I ignored her and went to my room for privacy.

Conversation of phone call:

Hello? - Fany

Hello? Fany-ah, are you okay? - Nick

Yeah, I am. Why did you call me? - Fany

I heard that Tae Yeon and Jessica are missing. I just wanted to make sure that you are fine. How are the other members? They are watching tv in the dorm, right? - Nick

Ahm... yeah. How did you know they were watching tv? And the news of them missing? - Fany

Oh... I... I... uhm... just gave a wild guess. So I was right, huh? Uhm... uhm... your manager told me about them missing. I was just worried sick that you will be affected. As a boyfriend, I should be doing this, right? Sowie, it's my first time 'dating'. - Nick

Haha... Nick, you're so cute and funny. I will look out for myself. I hope you will too, ok? - Fany


Hello? Nick? Still there? - Fany

Huh... oh oh, yeah I am. Just daydreaming for a while. I'm really tired. By the way, Fany-ah, just giving some advice. Don't trust anyone, okay? Even if you think they are nice. - Nick

Uhm... ok? Well, I guess good night then. Sleep tight, my boyfriend. - Fany

Haha... you too. My beautiful and lovely girlfriend. - Nick

Phone call ended...

I giggled and blushed as I ended the call. I laid in bed as I dreamt how it would be like if we were really together.

"Aaahhhh... get a hold of yourself Fany-ah," I mumbled to myself as I slapped my face lightly while smiling. Suddenly, my phone rang again. I looked at it and my heart raced. I picked it up and answered.

"Fany-ah, I forgot to tell you this. Even though you may not feel how I feel towards you, I would just want to say this once. I love you, Fany-ah," he confessed and immediately ended the call. My feelings started playing with me as I fidgeted on the bed. I could feel my heart beating uncontrollably and my limbs becoming numb as I shut my eyes tight, hoping it was not a dream. My thoughts of Tae Yeon and Jessica missing were forgotten for a while as I focused on what Nickhun had just said.

"I love you, too." I whispered as I slowly drifted off to dreamland.

Tae Yeon' s pov

"Yah, Taengoo- ah. Did you by chance check around if we could escape this place? There are many boxes and stuff around and there are some openings too. Let's try searching around this room. There are no cameras here too." Jessica suggested as she got up and started moving the boxes away from the wall. I nodded away and lent a helping hand to Jessica as the boxes were quite heavy. I wondered what was the content of the boxes and opened it up. To my dismay, I found many different drugs inside.

"Illegal people." I commented harshly as we moved on to other boxes. Weirdly, no one entered our room for a long time so we continued on with our plan. Suddenly Jessica squeled and I jumped, startled.

"Look! There's a small window. I think we are small enough to squeeze through that." Jessica pointed to a small opening at the bottom of the wall. It was a window that could be opened upwards, like the one found in public toilets. I kneeled down and realised that we were on ground level. I sighed in relief as I was afraid that we had to jump down from a height.

Jessica started to push her upper body through the window as I gave help by pushing from the other side. With some difficulty, Jessica escaped successfully. I immediately followed what she did and after a few minutes, we were outside of the building.

"Well, that was easy." Jessica remarked and we both hugged as we were relieved that we had escaped successfully and carefully. We were surrounded by flora and there were no other buildings found. Only a road leading to somewhere was there. Just as we were about to run off, a few men in suits found us and shouted at us to stop. Without thinking, I held Jessica's hand and pulled her. We ran as fast as our legs could carry us and ran into the forest. We did not stop and ran further into the forest. With courage, I looked behind me and saw the guys still chasing after us. My legs were starting to give in and my energy was draining. Just as I was about to fall, a loud gun shot was heard and echoed in the forest. Jessica collapsed to the ground and dragged me down too. I shivered in fear and did not dare to look back.

"Are you guys alright?" A calming and charming voice asked us. I looked up slowly and my eyes met him. After a few moments, I broke the awkward silence.

"Y...you... you are him?" I stuttered and my hand shook. Jessica held my cold hand and squeezed it. She mouthed a "why?" but I did not answer.

"You're the one who hated Tiffany right?" I continued and ignored the look of Jessica. He smiled and I saw a gun in his hand.

I must be right. He looked exactly the same as him. But... but why is he here? Did he find us?

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