You're safe!

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Tiffany pov

We were now in a room where all of the victims were. There were also armed men standing around the room and inside.

"Hey! You two! Come here!" A man in all black with a wired earphone in his ear, most probably the leader, instructed us. In Sung nudged me and the both of us walked towards him. He was big and very muscular that his muscles were bulging out. It looks as though his shirt was too small for him.

"I want the both of you to take care of these people. I need to go do something with the others." He said then suddenly held his earphone.

"Hello? Yes, sir? Ok, sir. We will be there." He talked into the earphone and left the area with about 90% of the guards there. There were only 2 guards standing at the door and both looked musculine. I looked at In Sung and he put a finger to his lips. He then took out the sleeping guns and shot both of them quickly. Within seconds, both were lying unconsciously on the ground and the victims gasped. Without wasting anymore time, I looked back at the victims and quickly addressed to them who we were.

"Ok guys. So the both of us are here to save all of you. Don't panic and just follow our instructions. Don't worry, we work with the police. Somehow." I said with a shrug and glanced at In Sung who was pushing the bodies away from the entrance. Suddenly, firings were heard and everyone stayed low while some started to panic.

Both me and In Sung poked our head outside and saw a rescue boat arriving. Unfortunately, most of the guards saw them and were shooting non-stop. Swiftly, In Sung and I took out our sleeping guns and shot them as fast as we could. I was feeling rushed and scared that my darts kept missing them but luckily, In Sung saw and shot them for me.

"Tiffany, relax." In Sung tried to comfort me and held my wrist to stop me. A tingling sensation happened when he touched me and suddenly, I had butterflies in my stomach. All my thoughts and worries disappeared when he flashed a sweet smile and I was drawn to him. No wait, focus Tiffany. This is not the time to do this!

I shook my head and stood behind In Sung as he waited for the firings to end. We poked our head outside again and saw many unconscious body on the ground. The rescue boat got close to the boat we were in and In Sung showed them his identification spy when they went towards him. There were only 3 people on the rescue boat and without wasting time, we ushered the victims into the boat. As they walked past us, many bowed and thanked us and a great sense of happiness was felt by me. Suddenly, a loud explosive sound was heard and all the electricity of the boat went off. Luckily, most had already escaped into the rescue boat so the rest just quickly ran inside the rescue boat. Another explosion was heard and everyone dropped to their knees while covering their ears.

Suddenly, I heard a soft cry and looked inside the room. A short hair woman was at the corner, facing the wall. Due to the darkness, I was not able to see who it was clearly and she was right on the other side of the room.

"Agents, we can't waste anymore time. I don't know where the explosion sound is from so we need to evacuate from here fast." One of the officers said.

"Oppa, go first. We need to save the rest now. I will go get that lady in our car boat(?)." I faced In Sung and pointed at the lady. Before I could turn and made my way towards her, In Sung grabbed my arm and turned me.

"Be careful. I have something else to do now so I trust that you will save her." He said and my cheecks felt hot. I nodded as he let go of me and ran to the corner of the boat. I shook of the feeling and quickly moved towards the lady.

"Ma'am, are you ... OH MY GOSH!" I gasped when I saw her crying uncontrollably and a pool of water surrounding her. She faced me with red teary eyes and pain was clearly seen. I kneeled down and she grabbed my arm, hard. She gasped and held her bulging stomach. Even though she  dug her nails into my skin, I tried to hold the pain in and instead rubbed her back to try and soothe the pain. I was so unsure and confused on what I had to do when someone is in labor. When the pain subsides( I think), she let go of my arm and breathed out hard. Before I could say something, someone called out.

"Hey you!" A tall, muscular man called us at the opening of the door. We turned towards him and was shocked and unsure on what to do. He stood there, pointing his gun at us.

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