Welcome to the Family

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Season: 2

Episode: Cherokee Rose

*Ryan's POV*

I woke up, feeling drowsy and my hair looked like an eagle made a nest in it, raised four chicks, and constantly mated in it. But I supposed that's to expected. 

"Hey," someone violently shook me. I looked up to see Daryl. "C'mon, it's time to go." I stood up and saddled Sleipnir. 

As Daryl straddled his motorcycle, I cocked my head.

"Y'know, Sleipnir's outrun a Lamborghini before," I smirked. "I bet he can outrun your bike." 

"You wanna bet?" Daryl scoffed. 

"I've got a field of open grass at my dad's farm," I said. "You wanna race?"

"You're challengin' the wrong man, Sparky," Daryl teased. He called me Sparky? Oh it is so on!

"Y'all know the way back, right?" I asked. Dale nodded. I smirked proudly at Daryl and hopped on Sleipnir.

"If we loose this, I am disowning you," I whispered to my horse. Sleipnir nickered, as if she understood me. 

Daryl straddled his bike with those nice hips of-- wait. No, no, no. I'm gonna stop you right there, mind. There will be no fantasizing on my watch. 

"Hyah!" I snapped Sleipnir's reighns and we took off. I heard Daryl's bike roar and followed us. So far, I was in the lead. Something told me that Daryl was going easy on me.

"I ain't no pussy!" I yelled at him. "Don't you go easy on me!" Daryl grinned evilly. I knew then, I had fucked up, big time. 

Daryl hit the accelerator and sped in front of me. I was not going to let this guy beat me in a race. 

"Show 'em what your mama gave you, Sleipnir!" I exclaimed. Sleipnir reared and broke into a gallop. 

"See ya on the flip side!" I teased. Daryl frowned and sped up. I saw my dad's farm appear over the distance. 

"C'mon, Dixon!" I screamed over the loud roar of his bike. Then, I saw something that made my face turn white. My daddy, with his arms crossed. 

"Uh oh," I grunted and rode Sleipnir over to the stables. I got off him and closed her gate. I walked over to my clearly upset father.

"Hey, Daddy," I scratched the back of my head. 

"Ryan, you neglected to inform me that you were leaving," Daddy said sternly. "Next time, tell me."

"I will," I nodded. 

"Who's the boy with the motorcycle?" Daddy asked and looked towards Daryl.

"First of all, he is a grown ass man, and second of all, his name's Daryl," I said. 

"Watch your mouth, honey," Daddy reminded me. "And get changed, the service is about to start."

"Service? For who?"

"Otis. He died getting that respirator for Carl."

I hung my head. Otis and I weren't the best of friends, but he was still family. Daryl joined me and we walked to the farmhouse, where a woman, who I'm guessing is Lori, and Rick stepped out. 

"How is he?" Dale asked. 

"He'll pull through," Lori smiled. "Thanks to Hershel and his people."

"And Shane," Rick added. "We'd have lost Carl if not for him." Dale approached Rick and hugged him. 

"Thank God," Carol whispered and hugged Lori. "We were so worried."

Li'l Sparky // [Daryl Dixon]Where stories live. Discover now