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Season: Five

Episode(s): Try - Conquer

*Ryan's POV*

A/N: In my story, Nicholas and Glenn don't have their fight in the woods. 

As night fell, I went to bed alone. Daryl wasn't there to comfort me during a time I actually needed him. 

I sat up and looked at my arrow necklace. He didn't lose it, he kept it all this time. Tears dripped down my face.

A small body appeared in my doorway. 

"Are you okay?" Enid asked. 

"Why aren't you asleep?" I wiped my eyes.

"Beth got boring, so I came here," she shrugged.

"If your lookin' for fun, I suggest you go somewhere else," I sniffed. Enid walked over to me and sat besides me. 

"I'm sorry about Noah," she said. "He was cool." I nodded. Enid leaned over and handed me a tissue. 

"Can I ask you something?" she asked.

"Go ahead," I said.

"What do you do if you're in a relationship but you like someone else?" she asked. 

"No good comes out of that," I said. "What's wrong with Ron?" 

"He's boring," she said. "Carl's cool and he kinda gets me-- oh, shit." 

"You like Carl?" I raised an eyebrow. "This is a new level of weird." 

"The guilt is killing me but... God, I can't help it!" she buried her face in her hands. 

"Okay, why don't we get some sleep and mull over it in the mornin'?" I suggested. Enid shrugged and the two of us collapsed. 


When I woke up, Enid was gone. She probably went off with Ron or something. I looked down and I noticed I was still dressed in my clothes from yesterday. 

I walked downstairs and saw Rick sitting at the table. 

"Merle tell you?" he asked. 

"Yeah," I nodded. "What do we do first?" 

"We talk to Jessie," Rick explained. "More specifically, you talk to her, I'll back you up. You get this on a personal level." 

"You bet your ass," I said. "I hate Pete for this. I wanna put an arrow in his head for what he did. Son of a bitch's gonna get what's comin' to him." 


We walked to Jessie's house and found her in her garage, smoking a cigarette. 

"Jessie," Rick approached her. 

"Hey," she quickly put out the cigarette. "I don't want Ron and Sam to know about those."

"Well, your secret's safe," Rick promised her. Something glinted in his eyes. He was definitely attracted to the young blonde. 

"Noah was a sweet kid," she said. "But Tara, she's-- she's in good hands with Pete."

"He's hitting you," Rick said bluntly. "He's hurting you. It has to stop."

"It will," Jessie said.

"No, Jessie, it won't," I stepped forward. "It's a lie. It's all a big lie. It never gets better and it never stops. It won't stop when he gets arrested, because he'll find you. The only way to stop it is to kill him." 

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