It's the End of the World And I Have a Crush On Someone

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Season: Four

Episode(s): 30 Days Without An Accident - Infected

*Ryan's POV*

*Six Months Later*

If I had told my group that we would be living well around a year ago, they would have pointed at me and laughed. 

Well, who's laughing now?? 

With the help of new members of the group, we've created a suitable living space in the prison for everyone. Rick and Carl were farmers while me, Michonne, Daryl, and Sasha were the main runners. 

Michonne and Daryl have been looking for the Governor after he disappeared, but no luck. The two have pretty much given up. 

Today, I woke up with a stretch and ruffled my hair. It was funny; Daryl and I had similar hair. 

I mentally reminded myself to get a good breakfast today. We're planning a pretty big run today.

One more thing, we took in so many new people. Including some creepyass teenage boys who are ridiculously horny. 

I walked outside and was greeted by catcalls. 

"Lookin' good there, Greene!" one of them, Scotty, called. 

"Screw off, Scotty! You're fifteen, go jerk off to some porn!" I snapped. His friend, Zack, snickered. Zack also happened to be Beth's new boyfriend. Maggie and I really hated the guy. I once caught him touching himself to an old picture of me.  

I ran off and found Daryl at the food stand. Carol was cooking up a meal. I walked up behind him and tased him. 

"Ballsack!" he shrieked and punched me lightly on the shoulder. "You know I hate that!" 

"Ehehehe, you love me," I smirked. "Let me get some of that, Carol!" She handed me a plate. 

"Just so you two know, I liked him first," she teased. 

"Stop," Daryl blushed. 

"Pretty sure I beat you there," I said. 

"You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too," Daryl pointed out,talking about the livestock. 

"Not recently," I shrugged. "Give the stranger sanctuary, keepin' people fed, you're gonna have to learn to live with the love." 

"Right," Daryl scoffed. 

"I need you to see something," Carol said. "You, too, Ryan. Patrick, you want to take over?" Oh, yeah. Patrick, aka, Daryl's number one fan. 

"Yes, ma'am," Patrick gushed. "Mr. Dixon, I just wanted to say thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat, sir. And I'd be honored to shake your hand." He stuck out a hand. Daryl looked at it as if it had grown a cactus. 

He licked his fingers loudly then clapped his hand with his. I nearly popped a damn blood vessel from holding in laughter. The three of us walked off. 

"You are an awful human bein'," I snickered. 

"You love me," he teased. 

"About today, I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run," Carol spoke up and pointed to a fence that was being clobbered with walkers. Karen and some others were working hard to clear them.

"That place is good to go," Daryl said. "We're gonna move on it."

"Yeah. Thing is, we had a pretty big buildup overnight," I noticed. "Dozens more towards tower three. It's gettin' as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore."

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