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Season: Seven

Episode(s): The Other Side

*Ryan's POV*

Daryl and I were welcomed at the Hilltop with opened arms by everyone, except Gregory. He was on edge about letting more "refugees" in. Maggie, Enid, and Sasha were thrilled to see us. Jesus welcomed us by giving us some amazing apple pie, which I consumed in a matter of minutes. 

Other than a few "heys" here and there, Daryl hasn't said a word to anyone. He especially avoids Maggie. It didn't take a rocket scientist to find out why. He wouldn't even come into the trailer for dinner. He just sat on a picnic table and played with his dagger. 

The Hilltop citizens were taking the prospect of a war against the Saviors very seriously. They were welding weapons and learning how to shoot and throw knives. They were turning into a real militia. 

Maggie's baby was healthy and growing. There was even a slight baby bump. 

Every day, I went to Merle, Glenn, and Abraham's graves to pay my respects. The other day, I found a really cool necklace with devil horns that I thought Merle would like. I hung it around his makeshift cross. 

We were living in peace until we had an unexpected visit. Rosita came marching through those gates like there was a bad smell in the air. She and Sasha have been plotting something, God knows what. 

Then, one day, it really went to shit.

"The Saviors are coming!" Kal yelled from his watch post. The peaceful scene turned to pandemonium. 

"We have to get Maggie," Enid ran up to me with Daryl. 

"Where is she?" I asked. 

"Come on!" Enid gestured. The three of us broke into a run. We found Maggie and Jesus and started running to our hiding place just as the trucks pulled in. 

"We'll never make it in time," Maggie gasped. 

"Come on," Enid said and we continued running. She led us to some cellar doors and pried them open. 

"Just stay down there," Enid said. "I'll keep them away. They aren't the same ones who came to Alexandria." Maggie, Daryl, and I climbed down the cellar steps and hid behind some clutter. 

"How long do ya think they'll be here?" I asked.

"Not long, hopefully," Maggie said. "But they're early. Something must've happened." Daryl was still peeking out the doors.

"Daryl," Maggie hissed. He closed them. 

"Daryl, come on," I whispered. Finally, he joined us in our hiding space. We heard some shuffling upstairs and what sounded like Enid trying to distract a Savior. The cellar doors creaked open and I felt a cold sweat bead on my skin. 

Daryl had his knife up, ready to stab anyone. The door opened and revealed a tall Savior. He grabbed a basket of apples and set them by the door. He continued walking around, looking for more crap. My heart was beating right out of my chest. 

The Savior grabbed another crate that was resting right by our hiding spot. I couldn't hold back a tiny whimper. Daryl quickly covered my mouth with his hand. I slowly tried to calm down. Daryl dropped his hand and raised his knife. He moved towards the Savior. 

Maggie put her hand on his shoulder to stop him. The Savior moved out of Daryl's range and set the crate by the apples. He closed the door behind him and left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

Daryl ran to the door and peeked out to make sure he was gone. 

"You were gonna kill that guy," Maggie sighed. 

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