Sanctuary For All (Except Me, Of Course)

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Season: Seven

Episode(s): IDK around the time Carol finds the Kingdom, I guess

*Ryan's POV*

I stared out the window of the truck as we drove across a bumpy road. Silent tears dripped down my face at the thought of never seeing my family again. 

"Chin up," Negan said. "It's not all bad."

"How is it not all bad?" I snarled. "You just killed three very important people to me, kidnapped my boyfriend, threatened my sister, and nearly made Rick cut off his son's arm." 

"Let me explain you a few things," Negan said. "The ginger--"

"Abraham," I interrupted. 

"Right," Negan corrected himself. "Abraham had to die. That one was going to happen no matter what. The Asian--"

"Glenn," I interrupted again.

"Glenn died because your boyfriend attacked me," Negan said. "That death didn't need to happen, it was all Daryl's fault." 

"Don't you dare," I hissed. "Don't dare say that. You're the asshole with the bat." 

"True," Negan shrugged. "But it could have been prevented. Now, Daryl's brother--"

"Merle," I snapped. 

"Merle died because I can only deal with one of them," Negan explained. "I couldn't have two Daryl's wandering around." 

"God, you're such a dick!" I exclaimed. 

"It's been said," Negan shrugged. Nothing seemed to faze this guy. 

"I'm gonna get out," I promised. "Daryl, too. You can't cage us in whatever pitiful community you have set up."

"Try abandoned factory," Negan pointed his head beyond some trees. I looked at the horizon to see a massive building appear. It was heavily guarded and had a chain-link of walkers surrounding the front. 

"Holy dick," I marveled. "That's a whole new level of civilization."

"Impressive, isn't it?" Negan smirked. "Now, I don't wanna brag-- okay, I lied. I need to brag. This was all me!

"I take my previous statement back," I groaned. "You're a narcissistic dick. I'm talkin' a Tony Stark level of narcissism." 

"You're adorable," Negan gushed.

"I will end you!" 


Negan stopped the truck in front of the building. Tons of Saviors gathered around it, a mix of men and women. 

I pulled my arms in close to my chest as I walked out. Most of the men were giving me bedroom eyes. 

"Alright, you sons of bitches, give the lady some space!" a Savior woman with a cool tattoo approached me. "Just ignore them. I'm Laura. What's yours?"

"Ryan," I said timidly. "And thanks for that."

"By the look on your face, the boss just hammered some folks close to you, yeah?" Laura asked. I nodded in response. 

"Take a little advice from me, don't accept 'The Wife Offer'," she whispered. "Totally degrading. You seem like a woman with some self-respect. And don't let Negan getcha down. He's not a monster. None of us are."

"He killed my friends," I hissed. "He is a monster." 

"To a mouse, an owl is a monster," Laura shrugged. "I guess you're just used to being the owl. Enjoy your stay." 

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