Get the Meds

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Season: Four

Episode(s): Indifference 

*Ryan's POV*

I splashed some water on my face. We had found a creek and we were taking a pit stop. It felt refreshing to have something cold against myself. Tyreese was washing his shirt. 

"This is Turner Creek," Michonne said, "so Barnesville must be a few miles downstream."

"Sounds like our best chance at finding a new ride," Bob pointed out. 

"Yo, Ty," Daryl called. "C'mon, let's go. Vamanos." We started walking while Bob talked to Tyreese. Soon, the two men joined us and we started down a trail. Daryl stopped and picked up a pretty rock. 

"Is that jasper?" Michonne asked. 

"Mm-hmm," Daryl nodded. 

"It's a good color," Michonne smirked. "Brings out your eyes." 

"It's just as bright as your eyes, if that's even possible," I smiled. Daryl and Michonne gave me a look. Christ, did I just say that? 

"When Miss Richards went into A block, we were leavin'," Daryl explained, ignoring my outburst. "Asked me to keep a lookout. I'm gonna use it for her old man's marker."

"You know all them back there?" Michonne asked.

"You stay in one place more than a couple hours, you'd be surprised what you pick up," he looked at me when he made my statement. Hold on, did he know something? I swear to God, if Maggie told him anything... 

We continued walking until we found a gas station. It was completely run down, vines had climbed over the walls and a tree had fallen on it. Daryl stopped and stared at something. 

"You see something?" Bob asked. 

"I don't know. Maybe," he responded. He grabbed a branch and pulled, revealing a minivan. 

"Hello, Soccer Mom Car," I teased. Daryl snorted, got in the car, and began hot-wiring it. He popped out seconds later. Something told me he couldn't hot-wire it. 

"We gotta find us a new battery," he said. He peered into the gas station window. Sure enough, a walker appeared against it. 

"Got some friends inside," I groaned. 

"Come on," Daryl said. "Let's clear a path, see how many we got." We started pulling and hacking at the fallen branches that covered the entrance. Tyreese was being quite forceful with his machete. 

"Hey, man, go easy," Daryl said. "We don't know what we're dealin' with." Tyreese ignored him and kept slashing hard. He pulled and we could hear the door rattling. 

I heard something weird. I pulled away the leaves as a walker jumped onto me. I screamed and fell to the ground. A sharp pain hit my shoulder as Daryl pulled the walker away. 

Another walker latched onto Bob. Michonne took care of it. Tyreese started wrestling a walker of his own. 

"Tyreese!" Bob yelled. 

"Ty!" Daryl shouted. 

"Ty, let him go," I said. Ty pulled the walker shot out. Daryl pulled it off him and killed it. 

"Why the hell didn't you let go?" Michonne snarled at Tyreese. I felt something sticky on my shoulder. Blood seeped from a small cut. 

A scratch, to be exact. 

"Daryl," I whimpered. He looked at me and his eyes widened when he saw the scratch. 

"It got you?!" he gasped. 

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