Ready, Aim, Fire

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Season: Seven

Episode(s): The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

*Ryan's POV*


"Look at me," Rick hissed at Dwight. The blond turned his head to meet Rick's cold gaze. 

"Why?" Rick asked. 

"'Cause I want it stopped," Dwight explained. "I want Negan dead."

"So why don't you kill him?" Rick asked. 

"Can't just be me," Dwight said. "They're all Negan."

"That girl you murdered... she had a name," Tara knelt down besides Dwight, white-hot hate radiating off of her. "Her name was Denise, and she was a doctor. And she helped people."

"I wasn't aiming for her," Dwight said. That was the last straw for Daryl. He pushed Tara out of the way, pinned Dwight up against the wall, and pointed his knife at his skull. 

"Do it. Do it," Tara growled. 

"No, don't," I said. "Hey, don't get me wrong, I hate the guy as much as you do, but this is completely nonstrategic. We can use him. If he doesn't have anythin' we want, then we can kill him." 

"You wanna end it this way... you go ahead," Dwight stared into Daryl's eyes. "I'm sorry. I am. I know you want to."

"He could just be here to see if you were here," Rick suggested. 

"We can't trust him," Michonne said. 

"He owned me," Dwight said. "But not anymore. What I did, I was doing it for someone else. She just got away. So now I'm here. So are you because of her."

"Do it!" Tara yelled. 

"There's another choice," Dwight said. 

"Daryl," Tara hissed. "Daryl, you knew her."

"Negan trusts me," Dwight added. "We work together, we can stop him. You knew me then, and you know me now. You know I'm not lying. I'm not." 

"Do it," Tara said again. "Do it!"

Daryl pulled his knife away sharply. I let out a sigh of relief. 

"They have Sasha, if she's even alive," Rosita spoke up. 

"Why didn't you say something?" Jesus asked. "He could be our only chance to get her back."

"Because I don't trust him," Rosita explained. "But I trust Daryl."

"Negan's coming soon," Dwight said. "Tomorrow. Three trucks probably. Twenty Saviors and him. I can slow them down, bring some trees down in the road, buy a little time for you guys to get ready. If you can take them out, that's where we start. You kill them, I'll radio back to the Sanctuary."

"The Sanctuary?" Rick asked. 

"Where Negan lives," Dwight explained. "That's what they call it. I can radio back to them and say everything's okay. You drive the trucks back, and I can lead you right inside, and, with the right plan, we can wipe out the rest. Check to see if your friend's still alive. Then, we get the workers on our side, build our numbers up, and go from outpost to outpost and end this."

"Keep talking," Rick said. 


Sure enough, by the end of the night, we had a plan. Apparently, Rick had allied with a new but sketchy group called the Scavengers. They were led by some woman named Jadis. 

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