Hell is Empty and All the Devils Are Here

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Season: Six

Episode(s): East - Last Day on Earth 

*Ryan's POV* 

A lot of really bad shit has gone down since Denise's death. Allow me to explain: 

Carol ran away. She left a note saying she loved us all but didn't want to put any of us at risk. Tobin and Daryl were really upset over it. 

Daryl also left on a vengeance trip. He wanted to avenge Denise by hunting down Dwight. 

Michonne, Rosita, and Glenn went after him. God knows what kind of trouble they could get into. 

Rick and Morgan went out looking for Carol. Call it intuition, but I didn't trust Morgan. It was one thing to be afraid of killing, it was another to just not want to. 

To relieve some tension, I went back to my house to wait for Daryl. He'd come back, he always does. 

Inside, Enid was cutting Maggie's hair. 

"Hi, girls," I smiled. Maggie's hair was very short. It looked really good on her. She picked up a mirror and looked at her new hair. 

"I like it," Enid gushed. "But why?" 

"I have to keep going," Maggie explained. "And I don't want anything getting in my way." She exhaled rapidly. Was she okay? 

"Man, did I go too short?" Enid asked. "I-- I only used to cut my dad's."

"No, it's not that," Maggie gasped and clutched her stomach. 

"Maggie?" I asked. "What's wrong?" 

"Ah!" she screamed suddenly and fell off the chair. Something was wrong with the baby!

"Maggie!" Enid exclaimed. 

"Help!" I shrieked. "Someone, help!" I clutched my sister's hand. Merle came running down the stairs.

"What the hell's happenin'?" he asked.

"Get Rick, something's wrong with Maggie's baby!" I yelled. Merle ran out the door. I held Maggie like a child. 

"Is Glenn back?" I asked Enid. 

"No, none of them are!" she exclaimed. "Daryl, Glenn, Michonne, Rosita, Carol, Morgan-- they're all still out there!" 

Something had gone terribly wrong. And I felt it was only going to get worse. 


Rick decided to take Maggie to the Hilltop. Dr. Carson specialized in this sort of thing and he could take care of her for a while. We started packing up the RV for our journey. 

Carl was angry. He wanted to find the Saviors. He wanted to end them all. 

Maggie was inside the RV, resting. Everyone was worried about her.

"Any change?" Sasha asked.

"She's getting worse," Rick answered. 

"Good call on the transport," Abraham said. 

"Well, I figured she'd be more comfortable," Rick shrugged. 

"It also means you got room for more," Abraham pointed out.  "They're out there, so I'm gonna be there with you. We are."

"Package deal," Sasha smirked. 

"If Ryan goes, I go," Merle placed a hand on my shoulder. "Package deal." 

"Uh, what they said," Eugene spoke up. Rick started to talk him out of it, but, in the end, Eugene was coming with us. 

I climbed into the RV and sat next to Maggie. Her face and hair were drenched with sweat. 

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