2 : Elliyana

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Half of this chapter got deleted for some reason. Frick cakes.

"Morning Oz, thought I'd let myself in." Clyde chirped happily as he stepped off the elevator and into the large office.

"Good morning, Clyde. It's good to see you." Ozpin replied, a smile across his lips.

"So, what's this about 'protecting Glynda'?" Clyde asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

"A storm is brewing...." Ozpin began, pausing as if to add dramatic effect.

"But it's a clear sky." Clyde replied sarcastically.

"And I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it on my own." Ozpin said, ignoring Clyde's joking comment.

"So...." Clyde led on.

"So I need your help. I've also asked someone else to come, but he will be here soon."

"Well, don't mean to drag on your parade but two people aren't going to do mush in this town." Clyde replied, clapping his knees as he stood up.

"How about an army?" Ozpin said before Clyde touched the elevator button. Clyde froze upon hearing that before turning around, a suddenly serious attitude plastered onto his face.

"You don't mean...." Clyde breathed. Ozpin nodded his head I response.

"Ironwood. You actually called that sadistic bastard here?" Clyde said, angered.

"Although I know you two have had.... difficulties in the past, his army was a must in these times of need." Ozpin said calmly, well aware of his uncontrollable semblance's effect.

"Difficulties Ozpin? He harmed Sasha and Glynda while trying to get me to fight him in order to prove that he was better than me. In case you've forgotten, I promised to make him pay for that." Clyde said, punching the elevator button.

"If I had it my way, I would have liked to not have to rely on the two of you." Ozpin replied, spinning his chair so that it faced the glass behind him.

"You must be very desperate if you've called his jackass here." Clyde said as he spotted the first of many Atlisian Airships. Ozpin nodded his head in response.

"I am indeed very desperate."


Glynda waited for Clyde at the elevator door located at the lobby of the school's main building. Her arms were crossed over her chest in her causal "I'm waiting for someone who takes forever" manner that she always had. Once he finally did step off the elevator, she noted his extreme anger that seemed to literally leak from him.

"If he loses control again..." Glynda thought to herself suddenly.

"Don't worry." Clyde suddenly said, noticing her panicked expression.

"I won't lose control." Clyde smiled as he said the words, drawing a gulp and a nervous nod from the female professor.

"Anyways, need something?" Clyde asked, suddenly cheered up. Glynda starred at him for a moment, unsure if his sudden transformation had to do with him masking his emotions again or if he was genuinely refusing to let her see the angered side again.

"I do, in fact. How has Elliyana been?" (Ellie-yawn-a) Glynda asked forcefully.

"She's.... fine." Clyde hesitated.

"You hesitated." Glynda noted, walking closer to him.

"If anything has happened to her...." Glynda began, a growl in her voice.

"Why would I hurt her? I was the one who found her, remember?" Clyde replied, his smile fading slowly.

"Very well. As long as she is fine, I will then take my leave."


A little girl ran desperately through the crowds of people, weaving her way in and out of gaps she'd somehow found. In her hand was an apple, a food source she so gravely needed.

Two men angrily rushed after her, one of them holding a knife in hand.

"Come back here!" The one with the knife shouted. The little girl ran even faster, hearing the dangerous man's voice. Her little legs pushed her as far and as fast as she could go before she suddenly tripped. She crashed into the ground, scraping her knees and dropping her apple.

"There she is!" The two men suddenly surrounded her on either side, angrily approaching her.

"You're gonna regret stealin' from us, little girl." The man with the knife said, showing the shiny tip of the blade.

"I-... I'm sorry. It's just that Ellie was really hungry...." the little girl said, tears in her eyes as the two men came closer.

"Yeah, well Ellie ain't gonna need food after we get done wit' ya." The man without the knife suddenly said, cracking his knuckles loudly.

"Ellie....... apologizes...." the little whimpered, frightened.

Someone suddenly elbowed the man with the knife in the face, surprising him. The sudden arrival of a new male was interrupted when the man whom cracked his knuckles was suddenly lifted into the air by some unknown force, then thrown into the wall by said force.

"You two would actually lay a hand on an innocent starving child?" Clyde said as he too cracked his knuckles.

"Shameful cretins. You deserve to be punished." Glynda said, her eyes glowing a bright purple.

"She stole from us!" The man who had been elbowed by Clyde complained, holding a hand to his nose in order to stop the bleeding. A gold coin was suddenly thrown, hitting him in the face.

"Now get lost." Once thy had gone, Clyde was suddenly tackled from behind.

"Big Brother!" The little girl cried.

"What? I'm not your-"

"But you are! Mommy said that when Ellie was in trouble, Big Brother would help her! She said that Ellie wouldn't be alone anymore when she found Big Brother!" The little girl sobbed.

"Yeah...." Clyde smiled as he patted her head.

"I'm your big brother."

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