14 : Qrow

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Glynda watched as the bullhead flew off, taking Clyde with it. She sighed, knowing that he may never return. She quickly turned around, then began strutting towards the main building of Beacon. She suddenly took out her scroll, calling Ozpin by pressing three buttons.

"Ozpin. I need your help." Glynda said, almost desperately.


Weiss awoke, her eyelids pulling back to reveal the beautiful blue irises. She yawned, sitting up. She'd be in her personal infirmary for one more day, and she hated that. She hated being separated from her teammates. She missed the three of them so much and she often wished for them to visit her but her father had forbid anyone but the teachers to visit her. She suddenly remembered Ozpin's words.

"Clyde loves Glynda. Very much. However..... she knows this and yet she continues to not act. I, myself, am unsure if she returns his feelings but I know that she thinks of him in some ways."

"Will I.... find someone I love too?" Weiss asked herself, looking out the window.


Clyde found himself falling asleep, nodding off as the minimal shake of the bullhead lulled him to sleep.

Clyde opened his eyes to find that he was a child once again. He looked down at his hands, the child-sized fingers and arms feeling.... foreign almost.

"Master Clyde, your mother requests your presence." A butler said behind him. He nodded, then followed.

'Why am I..... back here?' Clyde thought.


Glynda sat down on the bullhead, several hours later.

"Glynda." Ozpin's voice called in front of her. Her emerald eyes looked at him, almost in a blank stare.

"I need you to understand that, when we arrive, we are not to interfere with anything unless death is at hand. Understood?" Ozpin asked. His eyebrow was raised, as if asking her the question itself.

"Understood." Glynda replied, just before the missile hit the bullhead, sending them crashing downwards 20,000 feet into the ground.


"Clyde, sit down and eat properly." His mother, Karolyn Drakken, ordered. Clyde stared at her silently, taking in her familiar facial structure and features.

"Yes, mother." Clyde responded, eating like how she showed him. As he ate, he found himself casually glancing at his mother.

He noticed that her hair was still the dark yet beautiful violet color that basically glowed in the dark. He saw how her face was shaped by the edges of her hair, he saw how her purple eyes glanced occasionally at his father.

He missed it all. He missed her presence, he missed her voice, everything. His mother, the woman who nearly died just giving birth to him, was gone from the world forever. And he only watched it happen.


Clyde suddenly awoke, someone shaking his shoulder. He was still lying down on the bullhead's chairs, blinking and yawning several times before he stood up.

"We're here, sir." the pilot said. Clyde nodded before getting out of the bullhead, walking down the ramp that slid down from the back. He suddenly closed his eyes, the harsh sunlight crashing into his pupils. After several seconds of blindness, he quickly continued on walking to the town ahead of him.

"The Grimm Reaper" : A Glynda Goodwitch Fanfic!Where stories live. Discover now