11 : The Message

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The three sat in silence, although the silence was not shown on their faces. James Ironwood held a guilt-stricken face while Ozpin had a solemn expression. Glynda, on the other hand, glared at them angrily.

"You both knew!?" She demanded, her tone suddenly terrifying Ironwood.

"Of course we knew." Ozpin replied, as if it was merely a fact.

"You didn't tell Clyde, did you?" Glynda said, following up her previous question.

"Glynda, we didn't tell the two of you becau-" Ironwood started before Glynda cut him off with a furious glance.

"You should have told him." Glynda growled angrily.

"Now, Glynda. If I thought telling him that his sister is alive would have benefitted us, I would have. However, if he found out he'd seek her right away. That is something we cannot risk." Ozpin stated, his eyes gazing at her indefinitely.

"I can look past the two of you not informing me, but Clyde? Ozpin, do you remember just how badly he was affected when he found out?" Glynda shouted, her anger suddenly making her cheeks redden as the blood boiled.

"Of course I do." Ozpin replied, a sad expression suddenly dawning on his face.

"Then I have a question for you, Ozpin: why didn't you tell him?" She said angrily.

"Cinder, as she goes by now, is attempting to use his power to.... break civilization." Ozpin stated.

Glynda only glared at him, knowing that he was right not to tell Clyde.


Glynda sat alone with Clyde's unconscious body lying still in her own bed.

"Someone needs to watch over him. Glynda, you are the best candidate for this." Ozpin had said earlier. Although Glynda was slightly agitated, she felt like ripping her closest friend's head off, she was also somewhat..... intrigued.

How did he come up unconscious? Was his power that explosive that he knocked himself out? What caused his sudden release? How did-

"Mother...." Clyde breathed, an almost sad tone in his voice. Glynda's eyes suddenly drifted to his, finding that he was still asleep and merely sleep talking.

"It's fine, Glynda...... he's just talking in his sleep."

"Mother...... why did you have to...... die?" Clyde said, again talking in his sleep. Glynda's eyes rose in shock. Although Clyde had never liked talking about his family or home, Glynda had guessed that he was physically abused and wished not to bring the memeories back. She never guessed that.....

Clyde's fist suddenly clenched.

"It's all because of father......." He said in his sleep. The room suddenly grew hotter, a sure sign that his semblance was unconsciously activating. Glynda panicked, suddenly thinking that he didn't have control of himself and that his semblance, if left unchecked, would kill the both of them.

Glynda couldn't think of anything, so she suddenly bent forward and placed her hand on his clenched fist. The effect was immediate, the room returning to room temperature. Clyde's facial expression suddenly calmed as well, returning to the peaceful look he'd had earlier.

"That was close..."

"Elliyana..... I'm sorry..... I..... I couldn't...." Clyde's fist clenched once more, although his semblance did not activate.

"I couldn't even.... look you in..... the eyes.... .when he took you away."

"Someone took..... Elliyana?"

Glynda squeezed Clyde's hand suddenly.

"You really need to stop making people worry..." She said before lowly leaning forward and falling asleep.


Clyde woke up slowly, his eyelids taking fore ear to lift themselves. He made out the ceiling of Glynda's room before he suddenly popped upwards.


On Glynda's scroll was a message from an unknown number.

"Hello, Clyde."  The message read. Who could have sent the message? And why?? The

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