28 : Glynda Vs Salem

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This is so late. I promise to update more next week!


Glynda watched as more explosions boomed from the top of the dragon, the flying lizard barely able to continue flying. She sighed in annoyance and impatience.

"Weiss. Stay near me." She commanded as three dragons swooped down towards them. Glynda scoffed as soon as she noticed their presence, easily firing three quick blasts that reduced the dragons to dust.

"Woah..." Weiss gaped as Glynda fired six more shots of pink energy into the air and killing five dragons, the sixth shot cutting the wing off another.

"Weiss. Now." Glynda commanded.


Clyde was toying with Salem, his fused form easily having power levels above her own. With half of his body empowered by Dark, and the other half empowered by him, his available power tripled. He practically flew around Salem, his scythe inflicting multiple wounds on her as he did. He backed off for a split second to catch his footing then went back in, swinging his scythe in every direction known to man.

Glynda suddenly fired three shots of energy at Salem, sending the queen flying back. Salem caught herself before she could be launched from the back of the dragon.

"Glynn!?" Clyde exclaimed.

"You're seal... it's..."

"I undid it myself. I should have done this when Vale was under attack, but I was preoccupied by a certain Dark trying to kill me for the umpteenth-time." Glynda remarked, angrily. She motioned to Clyde's fused dark half, wanting an explanation.

"I'll explain later." Clyde said, although rather uneasily. Glynda suddenly turned towards Salem and fired a beam of energy, forcing the queen back.

"Weiss is here. She is on the ground below us, charging an attack to end Salem's life. Wr must provide her with an opening." Glynda ordered. Clyde nodded his head, although Dark had a different idea.

"How about I kill her instead?" Dark's voice said as he took over for a brief second and charged Salem. The queen of Grimm roared in anger, her roar breaking Glynda's beam of energy. She clashed with Dark before easily sending the mad flying.

"Her power.... it came from nowhere...."


Raven paused, panting as she did so. Behind her was a trail of dead dragons, all in their teenage forms. She'd been fighting them ever since she left Vale days ago, eventually draining her energy. The vast amount of dragons around her had suddenly lost all of their strength, allowing her to finish them. 

An explosion ahead caught her attention. She suddenly noticed the bodies of the dragons around her disappear into thin air.


Salem suddenly disappeared, reappearing behind Glynda and attempting to strike her in the head. Glynda easily dodged the maneuver before firing a blast of energy at point-blank range before Clyde came crashing down on Salem. He quickly landed a kick to her head before striking multiple times with his fist. She blocked all of his punches before being forced to dodge Glynda's blasts of energy. She quickly retreated to the back end of the dragon before smirking. Salem suddenly charged her own blast of energy, but unlike Glynda she chose to keep on charging her ability. Dark was about to take charge of Clyde when Glynda placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Just wait." Glynda said as she charged her own blast. Pink lighting suddenly emanated from the sphere of power Glynda was collecting  while Salem's blast continued to increase in it's black energy.

"This is the end! Die from this attack!" Salem shouted angrily before firing her blast. A black beam of energy launched at Glynda.

"Maybe for you this is the end." Glynda replied before firing her own blast. The blasts, upon meeting each other, exploded. The explosion was so powerful that the dragon they had been fighting on was ripped apart. Clyde, Glynda, and Salem were now free falling to the ground.

"Now, Weiss!" Glynda shouted. Salem's red eyes suddenly locked onto a teenage girl underneath her, a familiar white energy glowing from her rapier.

"This is... the winter maiden!?" Salem exclaimed before Weiss fired the blast of energy from her rapier. The energy pierced through Salem's heart, instantly killing her.

-Kind of short, but next week begins the epilogue!-

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