19 : Sasha's Revival

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Ozpin stared at the campus of Beacon, his hands clasped behind him. His brown eyes watched as the students mulled about themselves, casually chatting about what he expected to be about their upcoming new semester. A sudden movement at the new facility to his right caught his attention.

"Clyde." He breathed, watching the small outline as he made his way from his fourth visit to the child care center. A buzzing noise was heard behind him, the mic at his desk suddenly coming alive with noise.

"Professor, I'm sorry about disturbing." Elaina Nevera, the head nurse of their infirmary, called.

"Go on." Ozpin said, turning around to face his desk.

"Ms.Goodwitch has awoken." Even Ozpin couldn't stop the sudden flow of memories that soon enveloped him, pulling him out of the present and into the past.


"Sasha!" Ozpin shouted at her. His voice was drowned out, however, as he was overshadowed by the laughter of a certain male. Clyde was laughing, although the laughter incited fear into him. Clyde had lost control of himself, the anger he felt at Daina's injury suddenly sparking a long hidden power. Clyde's calm and collected blue eyes had turned into a vicious and bloodthirsty red, his aura suddenly changing into black flames.

Sasha quickly activated her semblance, a white aura enveloping her. She ran forward, determined to return Clyde to his former state. Her gauntlets were attached to her forearms already, dodging the multiple bursts of flames that were fired in her direction.

'Just a little more.' She thought to herself, quickly throwing a fist at the blast of black flames that were fired at her. The blast was cancelled out by her fist, quickly disappearing in a haze of smoke. She then leaped forward, ignoring the searing black flames that engulfed her brother and created a black aura around him. At first, she almost passed through the flames but the aura wouldn't break. It launched her backwards on touch, sending her rolling. She shakily got up, charging again.

"Sasha! Stop!" Ozpin shouted, the injured Daina in his arms. Glynda stood beside him, already calling for an ambulance. She hung up once she was done, snapping around and bending downward to check on Daina.

"Sasha!" Ozpin shouted again. Clyde seemed to not notice anyone's presence as he continued laughing, firing blasts in all directions. The people who had fired shots at Daina had died earlier, unable to dodge his searing assault.

"Clyde." Sasha said as she continually threw fists at the black aura, hoping to get through. Clyde suddenly noticed her presence. He quickly allowed the flames to envelop her, not killing her or even scorching her. Instead, the flames brought her closer to him.

"You're annoying." He said, throwing her out of the flames and away from him.

"Sasha!" Ozpin shouted, running forward and leaving Daina in Glynda's care.

"Don't!" Sasha shouted, slowly getting to her feet while her hand was shot out, the palm she showed stopping Ozpin in his tracks.

"I'm almost...... there." Sasha said, smiling. She'd seen his eyes, the blood red that struck  fear transform into the beloved blue eyes they all wanted to see. Although his eyes almost immediately flashed back to the vicious red, she knew that she was close to returning him.

She ran at him again, her white gauntlets stretched outward. This time, she wasn't holding back. The ambulance suddenly arrived, taking Daina from Glyda and ushering her back quickly.

Clyde suddenly made the black flames envelop Sasha again, this time using his flames to incinerate her.


"Professor?" Elaina's voice asked again, breaking Ozpin from his memories.

"Yes, of course. I will be down in a moment." Ozpin replied, clicking the glowing green button and sitting back down in his desk. He suddenly buried his face in his hands, sighing very loudly. He then took his face out of his palms, looking to his lower left at the picture he held so close to his heart.

It was a picture of him and Sasha, just after he'd proposed to her. The photo was taken the day before Sasha was killed by Clyde. Ozpin took the picture of her, taking in her familiar features. The sharp cheekbones, the pale complexion. Her silver eyes, the beautiful white hair that almost disappeared whenever there was snow outside.

He stared at the picture almost longingly, clenching his fist in anger afterwards. Placing the picture back down on his desk, he walked to the elevator and clicked the "Descend" button.

"Sasha..... If only you knew.... That your brother was not in control of himself at the time. Maybe then you wouldn't have made a deal with Salem. Maybe then you wouldn't have been resurrected as my greatest enemy. Maybe then you wouldn't want me dead." Ozpin said to himself as he pulled the ring off of his finger, slipping it into his pocket.


A young girl, around the age of 17, suddenly woke up. She was surrounded by darkness, but a pair of piercing red pupils glared at her. She backed up in fear.

"Grimm!?" She exclaimed. She still was not sure where she was, nor what was staring at her. At least, until a voice spoke.

"You need not fear, child. I am here to help you." The voice said.

"Help me? The only thing I need help with right now is leaving." The girl replied.

"Of course. I will help you.... Leave this pathetic life that you have lived. Remind me, how does it feel being killed by your own brother?" The voice asked. The pair of red eyes suddenly moved to her right, slowly.

"I..... He...... It wasn't his fault." Sasha shot back, weakly.

"Oh? Then whose was it? Was it Ozpin's? Maybe the witch?" The voice replied as the eyes suddenly walked closer.

"Believe me child, I am here to help you claim revenge." The voice said, a hand suddenly touching the girl's cheek. As she did so, a red light suddenly emitted from her hand, entering the girl's mind through her eyes. The change happened instantly. Her eyes, the previously beautiful silver eyes transformed into an equally beautiful amber color, her white hair turning white. The dress she wore also changed, donning a color that could only be described as Magma.

"Now, you are reborn, my child." Salem said as she stepped back.

"Thank you, mistress." The girl replied, standing up confidently. The fear she had felt from before was gone now, a very dominant feeling coming from her eyes.

"Who are you?" Salem asked, almost quizzically.

"I am Cinder Fall." Sasha replied.

"And what is your mission?"

"To kill the people who betrayed me: The witch, Glynda. My brother Clyde. And that idiot who stood by and watched, Ozpin." Sasha replied, her angered fist suddenly lighting on fire.

"Ms.Cinder?" A cautious voice asked behind her. Cinder turned around quickly, her hand blazing. She suddenly spotted Emerald who backed off slightly.

"The preparations are ready." She said suddenly, bowing quickly.

"Good. Then release them on Beacon." Cinder replied.

"Let's see how good my brother really is."

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