4 : A Familiar Face

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Glynda sat at her window, the cold snow frosting up and blocking her usually beautiful view of Vale. She'd been up for hours, refusing to sleep. An image would force it's way into her mind every time she tried to rest, an image that she refused to remember but had somehow been popping back up when Clyde returned. She closed her eyes, resting her head upon her hand as she suddenly nodded off to sleep.

Her head suddenly bolted back up again, the image returning to her mind for the she-lost-count time. Before she knew it, she found herself drifting off again.....

The image suddenly appeared in her mind yet again, an image of both happiness and longing.

Glynda's head was placed soundly against Clyde's neck, her face covered with a smile as the two sat next to each other. Clyde himself was staring at her, unable to take his eyes off of her. They were supposed to be taking a picture together, but Clyde didn't find a way to break his gaze.

This image was printed out for Glynda, not just in her mind but on a literal picture frame that sat on the dektop that would usually hold her glasses in the mornings. Glynda suddenly found herself sound asleep, her palm pressed into her cheek.

"Clyde..... Stop..... Coming back....."


"Now class, today will be a different lesson. Instead if you students sparring against each other, one team will spar against a true huntsman." Glynda said, addressing the entire class later that day.

"Who are we going to 'spar' against?" a student asked, putting emphasis on spar. Glynda glared in the general direction of the student before taking a deep breath.

"The huntsman you will be sparring against is-" Glynda got out before the huntsman whom was supposed to have been late suddenly walked into the room earlier than he was scheduled.

"Yo, Glynn. Wasn't I supposed to spar against that one clas-" Clyde suddenly noticed that she was in the middle of introducing the lesson, stopping his sentence short before quickly recovering from his momentary paralysis and waving towards the group.

"Hi." He said awkwardly. Glynda face-palmed herself, doubting Ozpin's choice of having Clyde as an instructor at beacon.

"Class, this is Clyde Drakken. A famous mercenary and huntsman who has as much experience as a huntsman as I do." Glynda introduced, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Sorry Glynn." Clyde apologized sheepishly.

"Do not apologize to me. Apologize to the students. Aside from that, I thought I received a message from you saying you'd be late." Glynda said, her eyes turning into that piercing gaze that terrified Clyde.

"Umm.... well you see...." Clyde began, a blush appearing on his face.

"You even smell of perfume...." Glynda said again.

"So anyway," Clyde began, ignoring her comment and facing the class once again.

"I am Clyde Drakken, a good friend of Glynn's. Who's up for a spar?" He charismatically asked the class. Glynda sighed to herself before pulling up her clipboard again.

"Teams CRDL and RWBY are the first and second of the groups chosen." Glynda announced, pointing to said groups. CRDL stood up triumphantly, confidently walking over to the arena directly behind Clyde and Glynda.

"Each round will have a three minute time-limit, and as such will be graded by Clyde." Glynda shot a quick and angry glance at Clyde before returning her attention to the crowd before her.

"Should you fail his examination, you fail the class. Keep that in mind." Glynda said, walking back to the opened doorway and dimming the lights.

"You may begin." Glynda said, signaling the start of the match.

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