15 : Xander

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Clyde followed Qrow, walking several steps behind him. They'd entered the forest just near the outskirts of the town they had just fought in, the erie sunlight falling between the leaves.

"You sure do cause me a lot of trouble, ya know?" Qrow said suddenly. Clyde nodded his head, suddenly drawing his scythe. Qrow noticed this.

"What? Getting the jitters? Don't worry, the Grimm don't come around here anymore. I've killed most of them here anyway." Qrow said. Clyde suddenly lashed out to his left, ripping the head off of a beowulf.

"You were saying?" Clyde said, his scythe disappearing in a haze of flames.

"I said most of them." Qrow replied, shaking his head in disapproval.


"Qrow, where the hell are we going?" Clyde asked after what seemed like forever. The abandoned town was miles behind them now.

"Where else?" Qrow said, as if Clyde knew the answer.

"We're going to find the legendary Xander Drakken."


Glynda woke up, her entire body almost jumping from the bed she was in. She looked around her, taking in her surroundings. A sliding door to her left opened, a man with a very dangerous look about him walking in. His hands were clasped behind his back, the large and very noticeable hammer attached to his side. Glynda eyed the hammer for a slight second before returning her gaze to him.

"Greetings, Ms.Goodwitch. I am sure you have heard nothing of me from Clyde." The man said, bowing slightly. Glynda could tell that he was royalty, given that his clothes were expensive.

"Allow me to introduce myself- I am Ellias Drako, Clyde's father and the king of Vacuo."


Clyde finally saw the small hut that Qrow had said they were looking for. He pointed it out to Qrow before following him to the hut. Qrow knocked on the door.

"Hey! Open the damned door!" Qrow shouted. Someone came and opened the door rather quickly.
"Ah, Master Qrow. I greatly apologize." The man said, bowing in respect. He had a hat on, covering his brown hair. His suit was green, which Clyde found weird.

"Do come in. The Headmaster has been expecting the two of you." The man said. Clyde saw that the hut really was an entrance to some underground base, stairs being placed directly behind the door. Qrow walked down the stairs, to which Clyde followed. They eventually were led to a large, open room where hundreds of people sat and ate in peace. Tents were set up, probably thousands of them. The room was rectangular, but that didn't limit the massive size of it.

"That town out there? This is where those people went. Underground." Qrow said, continuing to walk forward. Someone was moving around, helping anyone who was in need of help. A sick child at one tent, a starving person at another. Clyde recognized him.

"Xander!?" Clyde said, stopping in his tracks. Qrow turned around, noticing that Clyde had stopped.

"Oh. There he is." Qrow said nonchalantly.  He then walked towards Xander, an apparent scowl on his face. Qrow angrily grabbed Xander's green collar, getting as close as he could.

"Hey! Glynda and Ozpin are out there somewhere and you're in here doin' nothing!?" Qrow shouted. Xander kept calm, his green eyes not leaving Qrow's angered gaze. He gently placed a hand on Qrow's wrist.

"Qrow, I can't leave the people when we're in such a bad state. I'm sorry about not helping your two friends, but I can't do much. We're seriously understaffed right now and the people need my protection right now." Xander said, gripping Qrow's wrist. Qrow let go of him, grunting angrily.

"Well now, you've got one more staff member." Qrow said, pushing Clyde towards him.

"Xander..." Clyde breathed, watching his older brother. He still looked the same: brown hair, green robe, green eyes, pale complexion. And yet, Clyde felt like he as a completely different person.

"Clyde. It's been quite a long time, hasn't it?" Xander greeted, holding out a hand. Clyde suddenly looked down to his right, refusing to take the hand.

"I..... I don't...... " Clyde stammered, which was rare of him. Xander suddenly stepped forward and slapped him across the face, loudly.

"I'll tell you where they are if you stop being such a pussy." Xander said, walking away. Clyde tightened his fist before leaping forward, grabbing Xander's shoulder. Xander quickly turned around, drawing his spear and almost stabbing Clyde in the face.

"You would do your best to realize your place." Xander said, freezing as he felt the tip of Clyde's scythe blade against his neck.

"You would as well." Clyde said, pulling back and allowing Xander to retreat as well.

"Very well. If you win the duel, I'll tell you where they are. If you don't, you leave here without the information..... And the scythe our mother made for you."


Ellias Drako smiled as Glynda stood before him, however she was different. Her eyes were glowing with a pink color, the glow somehow stretching from her eyes and onto her face.

"Are you ready, Glynda? When he comes here, you will face him." Ellias said, smirking as she nodded her head in response.

"And you will kill him."

Again, she nodded.

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