Epilogue (Part 2)

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-The Entirety Of This Chapter Is In First-Person, Glynda's POV. Enjoy, Reader And Give Me Feedback! It's a bit shorter than the usual chapter, but it will do!-

I had to restrain myself from pacing back and forth as I impatiently waited for the doctor to return and give me a report on his findings. Clyde and I had decided it was best to see why his eyes were pitch black, thus leading to a brain scan at Vacuo's hospital. Clyde was in the other room, sleeping on medicine. The medication was going to wear off soon, or at least I recall the doctor saying that to me. In front of me were six screens, lined up in two columns of three. The doctor suddenly burst through the door, inserting a USB into the computer below the six screens and began checking things on his check board.

"How is he?" I nervously asked.

"I did a scan of his brain and-" The doctor began before images lightened up the six screens in front of me, revealing images of Clyde's brain. The doctor then pointed to a black spot right in the middle of Clyde's brain.

"This would normally be cancer, but considering Clyde's other personality, I'm sure that this dark..... space on his brain is the other personality attempting to take over." The doctor explained. He then directed my attention to another, larger screen.

"I've created a possible time-lapse until the other personality completely takes over. This is based on its exponential growth I've monitored since he was last here." The screens in front of me began changing every few seconds, giving not only me enough time to analyze the images, but also for the doctor to explain.

"Within seven days, the black spot will have doubled in length, covering most of the top of his brain. After that, it takes only two more days for the top half of the brain to be taken over. Then two more until finally, his entire brain is black."

"Is there any way to prevent that?" I asked, almost in a desperate tone. I suddenly felt despair flood through me as the doctor pursed his lips and slowly shook his head.

"We cannot help him with this. He needs to do it himself. If he doesn't..... then I'm sorry. He won't make it."


By the time I had returned to Clyde's room, he had already been changed into his previous clothes. He stood in the middle of the room, stretching his arms and yawning.

"How'd it go, Glynn?" Clyde asked as he turned to me. His eyes, except his pupils, were completely black still. They'd been like this ever since team RWBY had visited us two days ago. Something must have been wrong with my expression as his facial features suddenly took on a serious look.

"Glynn? Why are you crying?" He asked me, and suddenly, I was aware of the fact that tears were freely flowing from my eyes. I quickly removed my glasses and furiously swiped my eyes with my right sleeve.

"Glynn." Clyde said again before grabbing my wrist.

"Calm down, please. I'll be fine, I promise." He said to me, our eyes making contact.

"Can you though?" I asked him, my voice shaking.

"Can I what?" He returned.

"Can you keep that promise?"

"Have I ever broken a promise to you?" He replied, but the look in his eyes showed the uncertainty within him. I shook my head.

"No, you haven't."


The scroll beeped four times before she finally picked up.

"Glynda? I wasn't expecting a call from you." Sasha (Cinder) said through her scroll.

"Neither was I, but something came up." I replied.

"Clyde told you, didn't he?" Sasha said after a brief pause.

"Told me what? He hasn't told me anything yet, other than that he was going to the cemetery." I replied. A sharp inhale from Sasha suddenly told me that she wasn't supposed to expose whatever Clyde had told her.

"He's going to fight Dark Clyde for control of his body."


The small forest creatures made sure to stay out of my way as I angrily stomped through the forest. To an extent, even the trees looked as if they were bending away from me.

Just the very thought of Clyde not telling me he was going to fight with Dark Clyde for controls of his body infuriated me. How could he!? Am I not that important!? And how come Sasha knew!?

Suddenly, all of my anger disappeared as I heard a shout of pain coming from near the cemetery.

"Clyde. Don't tell me he's already started to-" I exclaimed before Dark Clyde's laugh bellowed through the woods.

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