Epilogue (Part 6)

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Hey All! A quick note from your glorious author! : Thank you all for reading this story! I'm terribly sorry for missing last week's update however, missing last week's update was so that I would have time to finish off a story with an ending that I didn't absolutely hate! Please, leave a comment on this telling me what you thought about the entire story overall! I know I changed it from the original story that was also written by me, but I'd like some feedback! Better yet, DM me your opinion!

Anyway, thank you all for reading! As always, leave a comment and remember to vote!


-Some Years Later-

Ozpin smiled as he looked down on Beacon academy, watching as the students busied about the campus grounds. Some were training, others were studying. His scroll suddenly rang. Without turning around, he pressed a button on the remote concealed in his right hand. With his back turned to the projected hologram behind him, he couldn't see who had called. With this in mind, he turned around to face his caller.

"It's been a while, Oz." Glynda Goodwitch called, a soft smile dominating her features. This was rare, as Glynda smiling was never heard of before.

"It has only been three years, Glynda." Ozpin replied, returning her smile as his eyes landed on the two year-old sleeping soundly in Glynda's arms.

"I know." Glynda said simply. The two-year old suddenly awoke, yawning. Glynda gently played with Lucy's short blonde hair, to which the toddler giggled and began trying to grab hold of Glynda's hand. Even through the blue-tinted hologram, Ozpin could see the that the little girl had inherited features from both of her parents : Glynda's blonde hair and green eyes and Clyde's smile. The smile was only faintly seen as it was hard to distinguish who the smile was inherited from at the younger ages, but Ozpin ahd seen that smile often enough to know who's it originally belonged to.

"When is her birthday again?" Ozpin asked.

"Lucy's birthday is tomorrow. I called to ask if you and Sasha are going to make it."

"Of course. We wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I should remind you that due to a recent attack on our helipads, you and Sasha are going to have to land outside the walls and be escorted inside."


Elliyana jumped up and down excitedly. She and Gray, her true older brother, had been moved into the palace along with Clyde when Clyde assumed the throne. Yet another gift was being given to her by the palace servants, something of which Gray detested. She was becoming spoiled.

"Woohoo! Look, Gray! Ms.Krolts got me a pony! IT's so fluffy and pretty and tall and- and- and-" Gray suddenly stopped listening to the young girl as he suddenly heard several maids murmuring to themselves. Three of the four maids then looked away with blushes on their faces. Someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder. Leona, Clyde's friend from Vale who ran the orphanage, had also moved in to Vacuo along with the children. She was also Gray's wife.

"I know I've said this many times, but your sister is adorable." Leona said, grabbing Gray's arm.

"She's spoiled now." Gray muttered.

"Maybe so, but after all she's been through, I think she deserves to be spoiled for once."

"I think we all do." Gray replied, pulling her lips to his for a quick kiss.


Clyde sat in his plush chair in his large office, reading several papers and observing a large map of the entire kingdom. After reading three more lines on the paper currently in his left hand, he quickly grabbed a pin from the pile on his desk and walked up to the large map. He then stamped the pin on the map, smiling as he did so.

"That should work." He replied. He was choosing a location to create another hospital within the kingdom, the papers in his hand being recommendations from different influential sources within Vacuo.

Someone knocked on his door, quickly reminding Clyde of his schedule. Celeste, a slender woman with pink dyed hair and bright green eyes, was his personal assistant. In the next hour, Clyde would have to send the chosen location for the hospital to the construction company named "Ore-Neals", schedule a meeting with the high council for next week, and finish planning preparations for Lucy's birthday party tomorrow. He also had to attend the escort of Ozpin and Sasha as the two landed in the next few hours.


An hour later, Ozpin and Sasha 's bullhead touched down in a grassy field just outside of Vacuo's walls. Clyde' wearing a royal robe with the colors of red, blue, and gold decorating the cloth, stood waiting for them. Behind him was large armored van with several huntsman and huntresses near it.

"Is something wrong in Vacuo?" Ozpin asked as he helped the pregnant Sasha up. Sasha also held their sleeping two year-old, her name was Elise, in her arms.

"Nothing but rebels, Oz." Clyde said as he shook Ozpin's hand. He then gently hugged Sasha, attempting to not squish the sleeping Elise. Clyde lead the two to the armored van before opening the heavy back doors. Ozpin was expecting something similar to the vehicle seen in old-fashioned movies where the back was entirely cold metal, however this looked more like a rather toughened up version of a limousine. The floor was carpeted and the metal benches were replaced with plush sofas.

"Shall we?" Clyde asked, motioning his hand inside the van.


Some time later, just before the van traveled through the walls via the large gate, Clyde and Ozpin had been catching up while Sasha and Elise soundly slept.

"Oh really?" Clyde asked in reply to Ozpin's story. Ozpin chuckled in response, attempting to keep his voice level down for the child and his wife.

"Yes, Ruby Rose did in fact try to steal a wild Bear's honey. And as a result, ended up getting chased all the way to the bullhead when Yang took the honey and returned it to the angry bear. I get the feeling she scared the bear with her semblance." Ozpin said, smiling. The van suddenly stopped abruptly, causing their bodies to jerk towards the front of the car. Elsie woke up and began crying, which woke up Sasha.

"What's going on, Clyde?" Ozpin asked.

"Hang on one moment, Ozpin. I will be right back. It seems we have some unwanted visitors." Clyde replied. Their van was surrounded by hundreds if rebels, all of them armed and dangerous. The twenty or so huntsmen and huntresses would fall easily to the swarm of attackers had it not been for Clyde stepping out of the van. A murmur soon spread throughout the hundreds before him, some of the comments hitting Clyde's ear

"Is that really him?

"No way, he wouldn't come out of the walls this far out."

"But it looks like him!"

"But it's not!" Clyde suddenly got impatient. He rose his hand above his head, a scythe appearing from nowhere.


Ozpin scoffed as he saw the hundreds of rebels scatter at the sight of Clyde's scythe. The nickname that had been bestowed upon him after ascending to the crown popped into his mind:

"Clyde Drakken, the Grimm Reaper."

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