17 : Origin

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"So what's it gonna be, Glynn?" Clyde asked, quickly mocking his deceased sister's stance. He brought both of his arms up, nearly making his curled fists touch his cheeks. His feet were also mocking Sasha's form, the left foot in front of the right foot with just a bit of space in between them. For some reason, Glynda had flinched at the use his nickname for her. She took a step back, as if taking a blow when she really was unharmed.

Glynda hesitated, but quickly broke a pillar next to her using her semblance. She then quickly continued to use her semblance to levitate the debris before sending it his way. Clyde quickly dashed through all of them, careful not to have his gauntlets injured by the flying marble debris. He suddenly found himself lifted into the air by Glynda's semblance, a pink aura glowing around him.

"You would risk your last remembrance of your sister that easily?" Glynda said, her Riding Crop pointing at Clyde. She shook her head slightly.

"Unlikely. It seems that you believed that upon seeing those gauntlets, I would return to the damsel I was before." Glynda claimed before a magenta colored light suddenly gathered at the tip of her Riding Crop.

"Looks like I've been found out." Clyde said, a weak smile on his face as the light suddenly became brighter. Glynda flinched again.

"Don't smile. It will only make this harder for you." Glynda said before firing the blast. The blast exploded on contact, sending Clyde flying through more pillars and almost breaking the wall of the room again.

Glynda's emerald eyes watched for any movement, her pupils scouring the surface of the stone. Eventually, a stone being thrown aside caught her attention. Clyde painfully pulled himself out of the debris, multiple wounds having been inflicted. His right arm had a very deep wound from the debris having stabbed him as he landed, his left leg receiving a similar injury. Blood seeped through his clothing near his rib cage, indicating that he'd been injured there as well.

"That tickled." Clyde joked, using his semblance to bring forth his scythe. Instead of quickly charging at Glynda like she expected him to, he merely used it as a cane for himself. He forced the tip of scythe that held the blade onto the ground, creating a makeshift cane.

"Is that all, Glynn?" Clyde asked tiredly.

"I thought...." Clyde paused for a moment to catch his breath, finally at his full height although he wasn't sure how long he'd be able to stand.

"You wanted me dead?" Clyde finished, his left hand on his scythe and his right almost gripping his bleeding ribcage. Glynda suddenly raised her right arm, charging another of her blasts. The familiar pink glow suddenly appeared at the end of Riding Crop, the blast getting stronger by the moment,

"It's true, I want you dead." Glynda said, the blast suddenly growing in size when compared to before.

"But how long do you intend on hiding your true strength?" Glynda said, pausing the firing of her blast. Clyde suddenly met gazes with her.

"You knew?" Clyde asked, almost accusingly. She nodded, the blast of energy still at the tip of her Riding Crop.

"Of course." She answered. "I, for one, have witnessed your true power. When you killed Sasha, for instance." It was Clyde's turn to flinch, falling to his knees as his scythe clattered to the ground, uselessly. He suddenly coughed, blood dripping from his lips.

"Any final words?" Glynda asked, the power of her blast reaching it's maximum power.

"Just three after this:" Clyde said as the blast was launched at him.

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