23 : Ozpin's Sacrifice

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Salem's split body fell to the dirt and grass, the legs collapsing with the upper portion hitting the ground. Clyde suddenly jumped backwards, his scythe to his left. He then quickly dodged Cinder's slashes before swiping at her. She easily dodged, but fell prey to his sudden kick to her head, sending her flying.

"Pathetic." Dark Clyde's voice taunted as he slowly walked towards Cinder, the scythe being raised in the air. Dark Clyde suddenly started laughing in an evil manner before swinging the scythe downwards, the blade aimed to cut Cinder in half.

"Die." Dark Clyde said when suddenly a pink glow emitted from his scythe. He found that his entire body was frozen, unable to move by some unknown force.

"You.... witch...." Dark Clyde growled as Glynda used her semblance to move him. A trickle of blood made it's way down from her lip as she struggled to move the powerful being, refusing to allow the male who had lost his mind kill Sasha once again. She levitated him in the air, a feat that her semblance would not allow. She, however, forced herself to continue despite her semblance's limits being reached. Her semblance was meant for non-living levitation, not to lift a human being as powerful as Clyde.

"You took my dearest friend away years ago. I will never forgive you." Glynda said angrily as the pink glow from earlier returned to her eyes. The curse Drako had placed on her activated again, suddenly diving her into her enraged form.

"I never asked for your petty forgiveness." Dark Clyde said as he unleashed a shockwave of power that freed him from the grasp of Glynda's semblance. He then rushed towards her, his scythe extended upwards yet again.

"Clyde..... The last time I saw you alone, you were also like this...... lost in your anger at me...." Glynda said to herself before dodging the scythe, quickly moving to her right and landing a kick with her high heels to his ribcage. He rolled briefly before jumping back to his feet.

"Is that all?" Dark Clyde taunted, licking his lips and standing up. A blast of black energy suddenly collided with his right arm, blowing the limb off. Blood spewed everywhere around him as another blast hit him directly in the chest, not only blowing him backwards but also covering him in smoke form the impact.

"Tch.... annoying....." Dark Clyde said as he used his left arm to swing his scythe around him, dispelling the smoke and freeing him of the hinderance.

"Did you really think that I would be defeated that easily?" Salem asked, her hand charging another blast of black energy. Dark Clyde suddenly regenerated his right arm, the mass of flesh returning after a sudden rise of black energy came from him.

"You ruined my hunt." Dark Clyde said, seething with anger. He gripped his scythe even harder before leaping forward, striking at Salem who in turn blocked the scythe slashes.

Someone suddenly placed a hand on Glynda's shoulder. This surprised the blonde professor, her head quickly snapping around to meet whoever had placed their hand on her shoulder.

"You should leave, Glynda." Ozpin said, a green glow emitting from him. Glynda, although shocked at Ozpin's appearance, stood her ground. The pink glow disappeared from her eyes, the blood being wiped from her lip and chin shortly after.

"This has nothing to concern you with." Ozpin said, walking past her and towards the now-dark-haired Sasha.

"Sasha.... It's been quite a long time since I've last seen you." Ozpin said, rather openly. The green glow was still around him, but even from Glynda's point of view she knew that he was readying himself for the upcoming fight.

"You....... Need To Die!" Cinder shouted, getting to her feet and suddenly pulsing with power. The same black energy emitted from her that Clyde emitted earlier, the black flame consuming her and then changing the colors of her eyes to a blood red.

"Sasha, please. I only wish to talk." Ozpin said, holding a palm in her direction.

"It's your fault this happened, Ozpin!" Cinder suddenly took three steps towards Ozpin, her right arm raising the blade it held and pointing it at Ozpin's heart.

"You watched as I was burned to death!" Cinder accused before jumping forward, her blades thrashing about in the air as she came closer to Ozpin.


"Your powers are incredible." Salem said as she used one hand to wipe away the black metallic liquid that flowed from a wound above her left eye. Dark Clyde laughed at this.

"Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be? You were the one who trapped me inside this pathetic human's body instead of making me a body yourself. The anger I felt at you reflects itself in my power." Dark Clyde leaped forward again, the deep gash in his right arm healing itself as he did so.


Ozpin expertly dodged Cinder's blades, his eyes carefully watching her for any openings. Given that she was not a master swordswoman, there were many. He, however, did not take any of the opportunities that were opened to him and instead chose to continue dodging and attempting to talk to her.

"Tell me, Sasha. Do you still sleep at night with a light on?" Ozpin asked softly, leaning to his right and dodging a slash of Cinder's blade.

"My name is Cinder Fall! Sasha Sephia is dead!" Cinder shot back, her slashes suddenly increasing in speed.

"Her anger is controlling her....... Either I defeat her and take her back to Ironwood for a cure, or....... " Ozpin quickly shook himself from his thoughts in order to dodge another swing from Cinder. Ozpin suddenly jumped back from Cinder, landing softly in the grass several feet behind him. He took in her angered appearance, the black flames that protruded from her eyes, the ugly black aura that consumed her and Clyde. He then closed his eyes, sighing to himself. He quickly moved his hands in front of him, a green light suddenly appearing between his palms as they faced each other. The green light intensified, suddenly causing a massive movement of wind to rush from him. Cinder covered her eyes, unable to open them due to the wind coming from Ozpin.

"I could try to continue talking to her, but her anger is preventing her from assessing the situations correctly. Then that means there is only one way to return Sasha to normal."

Salem and Clyde stopped their deathmatch to look at Ozpin, curious as to what he was doing.

"Years ago, Sasha was lost to us by a horrible accident. Today, I undo that accident." Ozpin declared.

"Forgive me, Glynda and Clyde." Cracks suddenly appeared on Ozpin's hands and face, as if he had somehow been turned into glass and the immense pressure was going to shatter him any minute.

"Eternal Slumber Art, Destructive Lotus Palm." Ozpin said to himself before suddenly facing Salem and firing the blast.


I'm sorry about this late update. I hope you guys can understand! I will be back to updating weekly soon!

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