3 : ForeverFall

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Clyde sat in his hotel room, a room that somehow had the vibrancy of luxurious but somehow made Clyde feel like he'd been thrown in jail at the same time.

"Really, Oz? She's going to kill me." Clyde groaned as he read the assignment of the mission while he was still in a call with Ozpin.

"I hardly believe that Glynda would resort to that method, given both of your past experiences." Ozpin replied, smiling on his end.

"How much am I getting paid?" Clyde asked, wanting to change the subject.

"You'll find out in due time. For now, I have other duties to attend. I hope to see you soon, Clyde." Ozpin said as he hung up.

Clyde sat back in his chair, his left hand going through his hair as if he was comprehending his next mission.

"I'm a mercenary..... and yet.... Ozpin's got me wrapped around his finger because of Glynn...."


Clyde entered Glynda's classroom the next day, his silver eyes looking for his former teammate.

"Glynn?" Clyde playfully called, his voice basically echoing through the room.

"I had no idea Beacon was still accepting adults into our school, much less heartless mercenaries." Glynda replied, annoyed at his suddenly loud voice.

"What are you doing here, Clyde?" She asked, venom in her voice and her eyes refusing to move from her famous clipboard.

"Oz asked me to attend the field trip to ForeverFall. Said he was worried about something happening." Clyde replied calmly.

"Listen, Glynn...." Clyde began. He stopped when Glynda moved her Riding Crop into the air, pointing it at him.

"Don't. Even. Start." Glynda said, angrily. She swiftly walked past him, stopping only at the doorway.

"When you said you loved me years ago, did you mean it?" Glynda asked, her back still towards Clyde.

"I still do." Glynda paused at this before continuing to walk out of the room.

"The children are already aboard the Bullhead. I suggest you follow if you intend on joining me as an assistant teacher." Glynda said as the soles of her heels clicked against the marble floors.


Clyde slowly walked up to the bullhead, his face still holding that emotionless mask he'd put on. He quickly wiped his face of that mask before dawning a smile and entering the bullhead.

"Teacher Clyde!?" A familiar teenage voice exclaimed.

"Weiss." Clyde said, noticing his former pupil.

"It's.... good to see you. Father really misses your teachings." Weiss said, bowing in respect. Clyde pulled her up and out of her bow, smiling.

"How many times have I told you? Don't bow when you see me." Clyde joked, wiping some dust off her shoulder.

"You will be joining us today?" Weiss asked, hopefully. Clyde nodded his head.

"Weiss! Who's the cool looking dude!" A younger girl shouted, running over to Weiss and slinging her arm around Weiss' neck.

"Get your arm off me, dolt. This is Clyde Drakken, my former teacher. And Clyde, this is Ruby Rose, my team's captain." Weiss said, introducing Ruby yet throwing her arm off of her neck.

"Ruby, where's Yang and Blake?" Weiss asked, looking around and noticing that the two were somehow not in sight.

"Oh, um..... Blake is hiding underneath the benches and Yang is talking to the pilots. She said one of them was cute."


"Children, the forest of Forever Fall is not a place to be messed with. There are Grimm infesting these woods and normally I would not bring any of you here for fear of you a dying. However, today is a exception. Professor Peach has asked us to gather Eluca (Ee-Loose-A) honey sap which is found inside the plentiful trees. Your jobs will be to gather three jars of honey and bring them back here, alive. Should any of you die, well.... unfortunate for you. Begin." Glynda said, walking to the forest with the students behind her.

Sometime later, Weiss had reunited with her teammates and was standing next to Yang and Blake whom were holding the bucket to the side of the tree, letting the sap in.

"You know, I don't see how this mission is important. I mean, couldn't Professor Peach just come out here and do it on her own? I mean, she obviously has the power to do this without us. Does she really need this much?" Weiss complained, watching their surroundings. The bucket was filled suddenly, and as such Blake handed the bucket to Ruby who sped off in the direction of Glynda. Clyde was with the three girls as well, pointing to the edge of the forest where a plain was laid out for them.

"More trees that way, then we're done." Clyde said, walking towards the plains. Suddenly, an enormous DeathStalked emerged from the tree line, glaring at the girl's and Clyde.

"Woah.... that thing is...." Yang began.

"Huge." Blake finished, the two irks drawing their weapons. Weiss merely stood still, watching with eager eyes.

"Weiss? Hello? Grimm ahead!" Yang said, trying to get her attention.

"No need to worry. My teacher has it covered." Weiss said, smiling as she watched Clyde glare at the DeathStalker.

"Hey, Weiss!" Clyde suddenly shouted.

"Yes?" Weiss shouted back.

"Effort number?" Clyde asked.

"10!" Weiss replied. Blake and Yang suddenly sheathed their weapons, turning to her.

"What's 'Effort Number'?" They asked simultaneous.

"It's how hard he's going to fight." Weiss simply explained.

"Nay, Weiss. You really want me to show off?" Clyde asked as the DeatStalker suddenly walked forward.

"Yep!" Weiss happily replied. Clyde nodded his head, suddenly drawing his scythe from nowhere.

"How did he-?" Yang breathed.

"It's an effect of his semblance. He can turn weapons into flames for storage, but it's not his full semblance." Weiss explained.

"But there weren't any flames nearby."

"None that we could see. His semblance isn't a stimulating ability like Ruby's or Yang's, it's an area semblance. Around him, in about a twenty foot radius, is an invisible barrier of flames. You'll notice it. When he comes back, it'll suddenly get warmer. This means that we have entered the radius of his semblance." Weiss said, watching as Clyde too walked towards the DeathStalker.

"An invisible flame barrier? So he can store practically anything and then suddenly draw that weapon out?" Blake deduced. Weiss nodded her head, eagerly watching as Clyde suddenly jumped forward.

Clyde quickly spun in the air, dodging the DeathStalker's poisonous stinger and creating a deep gash in the tail of the monster. He landed behind the huge beast before he stuck the blade of his scythe into the ground, anchoring him as he watched the DeathStalker turn around.

"What's he doing?" Yang asked Weiss.

"He's about to charge." Weiss replied, not shaking her glance.

Clyde suddenly launched himself forward, pulling on his scythe and jumping so that his own strength launched him forward. His body suddenly disappeared, but as he was removed from view, the DeathStalker's back suddenly opened violently. The DeathStalker screamed in pain, only to have Clyde's scythe suddenly slash through the head, ending the battle.

"He's so..... strong." Blake breathed.

"It's more than that. Clyde is.... a raging flame that is struggling to contain itself." Glynda Goodwitch suddenly said as she appeared next to the three girls.

"Clyde.... you really have gotten a grip on your power ever since you killed Sasha."

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