Epilogue (Part 5)

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Clyde slammed open the palace doors, the same doors he had burst through when trying to save Glynda some time ago. To his surprise, he was greeted by medical staff running about. The head doctor at the palace, a man named Marcos Ruben who had helped raise Clyde when he was younger, quickly came up to him and placed both hands on his shoulders.

"Oh, Prince Clyde! So glad to have you back here, finally! Unfortunately, your father-"Marcos began before Clyde suddenly gripped his arm.

"What happened to my father?" He asked, almost angrily. Marcos was taken back by the mix of emotions not only in Clyde's grip, but his eyes. Frustration warred with concern, creating a turmoiled look in his eyes.

"Just last week, he has come down with a very harmful illness called 'Nevera's Fever.'"


Clyde pushed open the doors to his father's bed chamber, his eyes landing on the sickly figure lying down in the bed. His normally dark hair had turned a horrible gray, his skin having paled to the point of whiteness. The nurses and doctors quickly left the room as Clyde entered.

"Hah.... So you came." His father's raspy voice came to his ears, the lack of strength practically leaking from him.

"Naturally. You sent an assassin to threaten Glynda." Clyde replied as he pulled over a chair next to the bedframe.

"It was the only way to get you here."

"You couldn't have just written a letter?" Clyde asked as he sat down in the chair. Drako laughed at this, coughing right after.

"We both know that would not have worked." Clyde smiled at this.

"Yeah, it wouldn't have." After a brief moment of silence, Drako Drakken suddenly turned his head to face Clyde with a serious look in his eyes.

"My son, I spent so many years ensuring the integrity of the kingdom that I forgot the integrity of my own family. I am such a fool." Clyde kept silently staring at him, waiting for him to continue.

"And yet, I regret almost none of it. Besides your mother, I am proud of how I have lived my life." Clyde suddenly felt his body go numb, his anger suddenly rising at this comment.

'Besides your mother.'


"Mother! Can we go for a walk around the lake today!?" A bright, young Clyde asked. Clyde's mother, a woman named Claire Drakken, smiled at her jumping seven year-old.

"Of course." She replied.


"Clyde? Where are you, honey?" Claire called, foolishly looking around the garden house for him. They were playing a game of hide and seek and as such Clyde was hidden underneath a plant. Obviously, his mother knew exactly where he was but the child attempting and failing to control his laughter was having so much fun that she decided to play along.


"Young Master Clyde, why are you picking those flowers for? Don't you know the gardener will be furious when he finds out?" Marcos stated strongly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Naw, he won't. I'm picking them for mother after all!"


Within a split second, Clyde had jumped out of his spot and had his scythe just above his father's throat.

"Say that again." Clyde seethed. His father chuckled lightly, earning another fit of coughing.

"If things did not turn out the way they had, you wouldn't have grown into such a fine and young man. You would make your mother proud, easily." Drako replied.

"I have been a horrible father to you and for that, I humbly apologize." His father suddenly started bawling and coughing at the same time, a sight that caused Clyde to lower his scythe.

"It will not be long now, before I pass on. This old body of mines cannot withstand Nevera's Fever. When I pass, I want you to take the throne and become King."


Xander Drakken suddenly pulled his spear out of the back of a wild boar, the red metallic liquid splattering across the green grass and the metal weapon.

"Leon, take this back to the cave. I'll keep hunting." Xander ordered as Leon shook his head.

"You haven't eaten in two days though, Xander. You should head back. I'll keep hunting." Leon protested, walking ahead of Xander. Suddenly, Xander's scroll rang, something that only happened on emergencies. Calls like this during a hunt could scare off prey. Leon, a smaller male around the age of 17 with brown hair and black eyes, turned around to look at Xander as he opened his scroll.

"Hello?" Xander asked, answering his beeping machine.

"Father has passed."


Later that afternoon, Clyde gently knocked on the door of a familiar house, his knuckles just barely grazing the wooden frame. A man around the age of 23 opened the door and smiled as he saw Clyde standing in the doorway.

"Clyde! It's been a long time!" Gray Vastias shouted, gesturing inside his home. "Come in!"

"I don't have much time to spend here, I'm afraid. Is she still... here?" Clyde asked. Gray paused.

"She was hurt a while ago. Just before Vale fell, some people came to see her. They mentioned they were.... accommodated with you. As soon as they mentioned your name, she popped her head around the corner and... It all went downhill from there."

"So she's in the hospital?" Clyde asked.

"She's here. I just don't know if I'll allow you to see her."

"With all due respect," Clyde started before disappearing from view. His voice then came from behind Gray.

"You can't stop me." Clyde said before opening the room to Elliyana's door.

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