9 : Home

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Clyde walked out of Glynda's dorm a weary smile across his face. For some unknown reason, his touch was able to cure Glynda's sickness for the time being. All he had to do was kiss her cheek and the sickness disappeared. He quickly exited her room, unwilling to let her see his massive blush. 

His scroll suddenly rang. He quickly pulled the small device out of his pocket, noticing the blocked caller ID. 

"Yello?" He answered casually. 

"So this is the famous Glynda Goodwitch I've heard so much about." A familiar male voice said through the scroll. 

"What do you want?" Clyde replied, venom in his voice. 

"I merely wish to see my son again. It would a shame, really, if something  were to happen to your precious Glynda Goodwitch." The male replied in a threatening yet evil way. 

"Give me one week." Clyde replied after several seconds. 

"You have two days." 


Before Clyde knew it, the two days had passed by quickly. He suddenly found himself atop the highest hill inside the Beacon walls, the snow lying still around him. He smiled in an almost sad way, as if he was about to lose the sun forever. 

"Clyde." Glynda called behind him suddenly. She had a brown coat that hung low, to her knees almost, the furry hood suddenly dropping down. 

"Hey, Glynn." Clyde replied casually, donning a much more happy smile as he turned around. 

"I assume you're leaving?" Glynda asked. Clyde nodded his head. 

"How'd you know?" 

"Every time you are about to leave Vale, you always come to a high point and stare at the sun." 

"Did I ever tell you why?" Clyde asked  Glynda shook her head promptly. 

"It's because where I'm from, when I looked up, all I ever saw was either arrows...... or that god forsaken palace ceiling." 

"Palace?" Glynda questioned, catching his hint. Clyde then walked to her, revealing a hidden locket around his neck that he had kept under his shirt. He took the locket off before giving it to her, then quickly walked away. Glynda stared at the locket. 

"This...... can't be......" Glynda thought to herself. The locket in her hands had the royal design of the kingdom of Vacuo, but why would Clyde have the locket? It suddenly dawned on her how quiet he was about his home, merely talking small details and avoiding the subject as a whole. 

"Clyde, you-" Glynda said, quickly turning around. 

He was already gone. 


"Sir. We've secured the prince. Proceeding on our journey back." A male voice said through Drako's large screen. 

"Good..... bring him here as quickly as possible." Drako replied, getting up from his throne and walking towards the large doors. 

"His mother will finally see the monster he's become." 


The bullhead Clyde's plane on suddenly lurched, diving for the ground. The passengers inside suddenly panicked, quickly grabbing hold of anything to stabilize themselves. 

Inside the dark cabin, a single red light bulb provided smooth yet disturbing light. The two benches on either side of the cabin were filled with people suddenly buckling themselves in as a voice suddenly spoke on the intercom. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for landing." 


Back at Beacon, Glynda wandered the halls unsure of what to do for once. It was a Saturday, meaning no classes to teach nor lessons to be learnt. Although she herself did not notice, the halls she subconsciously wandered all had multiple windows facing Clyde's last known location, finding the occasional glance from Glynda's emerald eyes. 

Her left hand unconsciously reached for the locket which she kept around her neck, the locket that Clyde had handed her earlier that same day. She gripped the locket, not trying to break the small object but merely trying to soothe her own thoughts. 

Her heart suddenly became heavy. like something had happened. 

"Clyde?" She breathed to herself before turning around and heading towards Ozpin's office. 

Something had definitely happened to Clyde. 


"James, how many times must we argue about this? I have already said that I will never allow such an action!" Ozpin calmly yet forcefully replied. 

"Ozpin, even you yourself will not be a match for her. Please, allow me to give these children a proper military training." Ironwood asked again.  

"Your training will teach them to not care about their own feelings, Ironwood. I have seen it's work before. Now, if you shall continue trying to- Glynda. Do you need something?" Ozpin said as Glynda suddenly stepped off the elevator. 

"A bullhead. To Vacuo." Glynda replied. Ozpin nodded, standing from behind his desk. 

"We will join you." 


Clyde was on a rampage. His hidden powers, the same powers he was holding back constantly, suddenly took over after the crash. His flames blazed blue, creating a small aura of sapphire flames. His scythe was in his right hand, his pupils disappearing and only revealing the whites of his eyes. He attacked anything that moved, one of the surviving members of the crash, the twig on the tree to his right, even the leaf that flew in the air in front of him. 

He killed anything that crossed his path, even the creatures of Grimm were felled in one slash of his scythe. 

"Where. Is. He." Clyde said angrily, walking towards Vacuo's protective walls. 

"The Grimm Reaper" : A Glynda Goodwitch Fanfic!Where stories live. Discover now