21 :The Fall Of Vale (Part 2)

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The blast of black and red energy was almost upon Weiss when a sudden burst of pink energy collided with it.

"Children. I suggest you leave." Glynda Goodwitch said as the she slowly walked towards the wall. Yet another pink energy blast was being charged, the pink glow suddenly firing itself towards Salem. Salem easily knocked the blast away before smirking again.

"It seems you have company." Salem said, charging another blast of red and black energy. Glynda saw the massive army behind Salem, the large cloud of Grimm waiting to tear apart the walls of Vale.

"Children. Leave." Glynda siad in a more threatening tone. Yang took the injured Ruby and retreated to Beacon with Weiss and Blake. It was only when Weiss turned around did she noticed that Glynda was breathing much more heavily than she usually did.

"You seem exhausted, Goodwitch. It seems breaking the curse on your own took quite some time." Salem said, taunting her as the large ball of energy suddenly grew in size.

"It was simple." Glynda shot back, charging her own blast of energy.

"My  Queen, may I strike down Glynda?" Cinder asked, stepping beside Salem.

"Of course. Clyde is mine." Salem replied, silently commanding her army to back down wit ha wave of her hand. Salem suddenly fired the blast of energy she held in her hand at Glynda, unleashing the full force of her strike. Glynda responded by firing her own, sending the energy blast to confront Salem's.

An explosion sounded, the sound echoing across the city.

Clyde, who had been struck by Salem earlier, slowly got up from the ground. Salem's blast had dealt a massive amount of damage to him causing several injuries. Cuts lined his body and blood trickled from his lower lip. He was breathing harshly, as if merely standing was causing him pain. His blue hair had dust and gravel in it, his clothes also showing signs of injury.

"Done already? Here, maybe this will give you an incentive." Salem said, holding her palm out to Cinder. A necklace was placed on her palm, to which Salem responded by quickly throwing the necklace at Clyde. The necklace landed in front of him, almost being hidden by the dirt that covered it.

Clyde's eyes widened. His right hand slowly reached out to it, gently picking it up as if he himself couldn't believe that the item before him was real. A small tear slid down his cheek as he suddenly confirmed that it was real.

"You..." Clyde started, his voice seething with anger. "You harmed Elliyana...."

His usual blue aura suddenly appeared, the flames mimicking his anger by flaring out in different directions.

Salem shook her head then said "Not harmed," before she smiled wickedly.

"Killed." Clyde's pupils suddenly disappeared from his eyes, leaving only the white portion visible. The blue flame-like aura suddenly turned a sickish black which flared out even more. Clyde's eyes suddenly returned, only there was one difference.

His eyes were red.


Ozpin watched as his hunters lead the civilians away from Vale, in the direction of Atlas.
Satisfied as one of the last civilians were evacuated, he quickly turned to look at the hole that had ceased to pour Grimm into the kingdom limits. He sighed, bracing himself as he saw the large black column of energy.

"Clyde.... You've unleashed it yet again?" Ozpin asked himself before taking off in the direction of the hole.


Leona handed the last of her children over to the group of huntsmen before grabbing her sword and shield. She paused as something in the corner of her eye caught her attention.

"The scythe...." Leona breathed.

"It's....... gone!?"


Clyde's breathing was very harsh now, taking in deep and almost forced breaths of air.
His pupils still were not visible, but that didn't stop the weapon from appearing in his hand.
Clyde's scythe had suddenly appeared through a haze of flames and smoke. The blade gleamed in the sunlight before Clyde held it up in the air.

"Glynda, stay out of this." Clyde said, his voice very restrained.

"I'm going to kill both of them." Clyde said before disappearing in the direction of Salem and Cinder.


"Did you deliver it?" A hooded figure asked. Raven bowed in respect as the hooded figure's back was turned to her.

"Of course." Raven replied.

"Good. I assume Vale has fallen?" The hooded figure asked. Raven shook her head.

"Clyde is currently holding Salem and Cinder at the wall on his own." Raven said, standing up from her bowing position.

"That's good. Everything is going according to plan. Did Crystal's daughter escape?" The hooded figure asked, her tone suddenly becoming serious.

"I had to intervene. I awoke Glynda from the curse then sent her towards the wall." Raven replied. She was suddenly forced to her knees yet again, although she did not do so by her own free will. The pressure she suddenly felt was too much, far too much for her alone to break.

"You intervened?" The hooded figure asked, increasing the pressure on Raven, forcing her lower.

"I-... I had to. Weiss would have died had I not, and with her being dead our plans would have been ruined." Raven said, struggling against the pressure that the hooded figure had been using. The figure suddenly released the pressure, gently pulling Raven back to her feet.

"You are forgiven. However, it seems I may have to intervene as well." The hooded figure said, turning her head to face Vale.

"You mean-"

"I will personally stop Salem." The figure said as she pulled down her hood.

"But Summer, in your condition even you won't last long." Raven said, taking a worried step forward.

"Raven. Have you forgotten? I watched that demon kill my beloved husband in front of me. I can never walk on the same Remnant as her again." Summer Rose said as she pulled her own scythe.



My friends and readers, we have almost reached the end of Volume 1. What do you guys think of that spin off I used between Summer and Tai? Instead of Summer being the one to pass away before Tai, I switched it around and even made the death more personal. I hope you guys and gals like that spin-off!

Anyway, please comment and tell me what you thought! Drop a vote, and feel free to DM me! I try my best to always respond!

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