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The wheels screeched and stopped. The vehicle pulled over. Her front got pulled by the force causing her back to slam back on the cushions of the seat. Some of the baggage at the back make a sound. She was lucky she had decided to put in her seatbelt at that time. If only she knew she was dating a terrible driver. Her nose had been inhaling the chillness for quite a while now and her hands had started to freeze. Her hands were always the first things on her body to start to freeze. The aircon had been adjusted to the lowest temperature it could give and she new he didn't mind since he was always warm no matter what.

Scott and Lydia had pulled over by Lydia's house. They had just finished their trip home from camp. It was already around eight at night and she knew she didn't have to worry about her parents. In fact, they were the ones pushing her to be a normal teenager the most. The rest of the pack had gone home too. Hayden hitched with them and had went off minutes ago.

Lydia had been sitting on the front seat throughout the whole drive. She was talking, yeah, but uncharacteristically. She had just been thinking about the things that happened during the two-week camp. Why such little time yet so many happened and changed? Something in her chest felt different and weird and she knew she shouldn't be feeling this way for a lowercased situation. After all, they're only teases from her friends about her being with a guy she met two weeks ago, right? So, why was she feeling this way when she had experienced this status before?

Stiles is just another guy that your friends, let me just say it, ship you with. It's normal. So, why? And tectonically, Stiles is with Allison. They're together and their faithful to each other and they must very much be immovably steadfast to each other. Lydia, herself, is with Scott. They've been dating for quite a while now and they are pretty much fond of each other. So, why?

Lydia's subconscious is talking, btw.

Anyway, if you want me to explain further, she was only feeling awkward and peculiar about it. It's still something she shouldn't feel if she knew very well that Scott and her were darling to each other. Aren't they?

" Hello? Earth-to-Lydia? " Scott waved a hand in front of her.

Lydia snapped out of her trance and jolted a bit.

Scott had been talking to her but it seemed she wasn't listening the whole time.

Talk about being 'darling' to each other. Lydia's subconscious whispered secretly.

" I'm sorry, baby. What did you say? " asked Lydia.
Scott sighed putting down his hand.
" You're worrying me. You're uncharacteristically not having the anticipation to finally unite with your bed again. " Scott said seriously but he was teasing her.
Lydia ignored the fact and looked our the window.

They were by her house. It seemed like they've only been there for a minute or two. Only the living room's light was on. Her parents must be watching a movie or whatever.

You don't want to do that. Her subconscious whispered, again, to her. And she meant her going home. At most times, she always wanted to go home after having a trip. And this time, she just arrived home from a camping trip with friends yet she didn't have the urge to do the normal process. And the normal process was her dryly greeting her parents, dropping her bags, plopping on the bed and falling asleep instantly. She knew very well, herself, that that was her and Scott knew that too. But tonight, she needed to follow her senses and do what she wanted and exactly what she wanted and that didn't include any of those things.

" No. " she said.
" What? "
" No. " she looked at him this time. " I don't wanna go home...tonight. " she said. Her voice low.
Scott gave her girlfriend a puzzled look.
" I think I know one place where I wanna be tonight. "
"... "
" Scott, take me at your place. " she said almost like ordering him.

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