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" So, they're not new? "
" No. They're not. I checked on the list more than once. Beacon Hills has no list of new individuals this semester. "

The pack huddled together on a table outside of school. They were in the open study area where about eight tables were arranged in just outside the double doors in the middle square of the school. After the lacrosse practice, you did remember they planned a little bit back then about their minimum problem. Including the part on letting Lydia sneak into her mom's office to check the list where she found out there really were no new kids that semester. Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Allison, Hayden, Malia and Theo huddled on one of the tables in the middle square.

" See? I told you Beacon Hills wouldn't accept a bunch of riffraffs. " Malia snapped opening her arms in pride.

" Riffraffs. " Allison repeated Malia's word. " What if they actually were riffraffs? Like a bunch of kids who weren't so bare back last semester? "

" Pfft. What are you saying? Like, they've been unpopular before and now you're thinking they're gonna be popular now? Of what reason, anyway? " Theo raised an eyebrow at Allison.

" Can I say something, please?! " Stiles waved his hands around. Everyone looked at him. " Lydia has had a vision. She saw Derek's tattoo in it. "

" Who's Derek? " everyone asked in unison except Malia.

" Malia, you remember Derek, right? Our cousin on your mom's side? " Stiles asked. Everyone looked at Malia.

" Yeah. I remember him. Born like me. Aunt Thalia, aka, mom's sister, was born a werewolf. My grandparents on my mother's side were both supernatural. Grandpa's a werecoyote and Grandma, a werewolf. In result, Aunt Thalia, a werewolf and my mom, the desert wolf, a werecoyote. Aunt Thalia is Derek's mother. " Malia explained.

" Derek left when me and Malia were still, maybe, eight or seven. " Stiles continued. " What could Lydia's vision mean? Does it mean he's coming back? "

Everyone looked at each other questionably with some of the expressions on their faces obvious their brains were processing. There was a little moment of silence.

" Wait. Derek? " Hayden spoke.

All eyes were on her now.

" I overheard Liam and two other kids I couldn't recognize. They mentioned someone named Derek. " Hayden furrowed her eyebrows. Her arms were crossed and she was lightly shaking her head to try and recall the subject she overheard.

Stiles and Lydia darted eyes on each other.

" Hayden, what exactly did you hear? " Lydia asked

" Yeah. What did you remember? " Scott followed.

Hayden then told them what she heard. She told them about the part where they were planning on chaining up in Derek's loft and about the whole full moon thing the three teenagers were planning. Everything was all getting together for everyone.

" Werewolves. " said Stiles.

" So, Liam, Erica and Jackson are werewolves, we didn't know them before because they were a bunch of antisocial kids, and Malia's cousin is... " Scott said trying to pile all the information in his head but his voice drifted away.

" Derek's their alpha who wants to chain them up in his loft on their first full moon. " Malia finished for him.

" Do you remember Derek ever owning a loft before? " Stiles asked Malia wrinkling his face and shaking his head lightly in disapproval.

" I remember his dad owned a loft before. He used to use it pretty often before he left town. I remember Derek used to have a bunch of Halloween parties in that old big loft in a really tall and creepy building we used to go to as a playground. Remember the spacious area? That's enough for Derek to keep his little disciples during their first full moon. There's three of them. I think that'd be enough to kill Derek, their alpha. " Malia said.

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