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What the fuck is he doing here?! Her subconscious flared. Her pupils dilated and she immediately looked away. Her grip on her purse tightened.

" Ms. Martin, what a surprise of you to join us. "

Lydia scoffed lightly rolling her eyes. " Tell me about it. " she mumbled to herself. She walked to the first row of seats in the classroom separating herself with one row from Stiles. Even though, there were only two people in the room with her. She knew all four eyes were glued on her and it made her feel utterly uncomfortable. How fucking rude! Stop.

As soon as Lydia opened her bag and tried to find anything that could distract her and keep her busy in her two-hour detention, Mr. Harris cleared his throat. Yes. Mr. Adrian Harris. So far, for Lydia he was the strictest and most boring teacher in all of Beacon Hills. He was one of those teachers that showed sarcasm in a very dry way that it could easily piss off and upset his students in half a second. Although, he was teaching one of the easiest subjects for her which was chemistry. Now that he was the one taking over the detention class, Lydia wanted to take a rope right there and hang herself.

Speaking of chemistry, did Stiles have trouble in class? Since when did you care? Her subconscious snarled still agree about how the day was already going so bad despite it was still morning.

" Miss Martin, please take your seat next to Mr. Stilinski. "

Stiles and Lydia's eyes widened before they looked at each other from across the room.

" Uh, no thank you, sir. I think I'm more comfortable on this seat. " Lydia stated trying to persuade her teacher to keeping her far away from Stiles as possible. After what happened the night before, the break ups and the time in his room, Lydia was NOT ready to face him at the moment or maybe even ever.

Mr. Harris looked up at Lydia giving her a look and squinting his already small eyes under his glasses. " Um, no thank you, Miss Martin but I think I'm more comfortable by keeping my eyes on both of you in one area. "

" Why? " Lydia wrinkled her face already starting to get hella annoyed by this situation.

" Now, that you've showed that you clearly don't want to sit next to Mr. Stilinski, I suggest you do. Take it as an extra punishment from detention. Now. Go. " Mr. Harris said in a serious tone giving Lydia a solid stare.

Lydia couldn't take it anymore. She gave up closing her eyes and sighing deeply under her breath. She walked over to Stiles who she saw swallowed and looked away. He was tapping nervously on his thumbs again and again. Lydia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and sat next to him.

❨Listen to: Dangerously by Charlie Puth

It had already been thirty minutes and none both hadn't spoken a word to each other. The atmosphere for both of them was shrinking and it felt like both their subconsciouses were both pushing or drawing them to each other. Their minds were shouting to them to say something to each other. Their eyes hadn't even met since.

" I'll be back for my personal necessity. You two, don't move a muscle. " Mr. Harris pointed at both of them before turning on heels and starting to head to the bathroom leaving both Stiles and Lydia all alone in the classroom.

Stiles and Lydia roll eyes in unison before they continue to trying to distract themselves. Lydia was finishing down all the notes for her clearance whilst Stiles was trying to answer a bunch of chemistry problems. Lydia had already glanced at his paper and guessed maybe that was the activity they were doing before he got himself into detention.

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