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Escape. She escaped her trance. Luckily for her, it only lasted a few seconds. Yes. It was all just in her imagination.

Stiles was still standing a few feet away from her. Her back still facing him and her eyes were still wet with her nose red. She was still trying to keep herself from crying.

How bitchy of her. To fantasize about Stiles kissing her neck and seducing her. At this moment? For real, bitch? It was because she remembered what they did that last time she was alone with him in his room.

Now, she felt much terrible of herself. She was feeling much worse of herself now.

" Lydia... " Stiles whispered her name. She could feel him take a few steps closer from her behind.

That's when she couldn't take it anymore.

Lydia went ahead and buried herself into Stiles wrapping her arms around him in an embrace. She cried in his arms. Stiles openly welcomed her hug taking her into his arms and burying his hands in her strawberry blonde hair. Stiles whispered to her his comforting words. To her surprise, she was starting to feel a little better. His flannel was practically soaked from her tears but Stiles didn't care. Instead, he let Lydia take all the time she needed in his arms. Oh, how much he wanted to just kiss all her tears away.

❨Listen to: Hold on by Chord Overstreet

" If you're not gonna move at least one inch, we'll be here all night. "
" Lydia? "
" How can you not blink that long? "

Stiles and Lydia had been sitting on the bed for the last ten minutes after their hug. Stiles had his hands wrapped around Lydia's closed palms. She had been staring out into the open since. Her nose and eyes were still red from crying and her tears were still ongoing drying. Stiles had been waiting for her response on anything. He hadn't taken his eyes off her.

Finally, Lydia's eyes slowly darted around the room. Stiles followed her gaze.

" Yes. It's my room. My old room. I used to come here nowadays to visit Derek... " Stiles said.

Lydia's eyes continued gazing around the room. She sniffled softly under her breath.

" You mean you stayed over? " Lydia finally spoke with her voice soft and breaking. She swore she heard Stiles sigh in relief. Maybe because she finally spoke. Stiles nodded lightly in response.

Lydia glanced down thinking about how close Stiles was with Derek. She envied having someone like a brother and Malia, like a sister. The only person Lydia had was Hayden.

" Since when? " she asked.
" Just a few years before I turned ten. "

Lydia thought if Stiles had a room in Derek's loft then Malia must have a room for herself too. She couldn't help but suspect Scott could be there with her now lap dancing the fuck off each other. Lydia closed her eyes and another tear rolled down her eyes. She looked away and swallowed. Stiles gently moved her chin so she could look at him again. He wiped the tear off her cheek.

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