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❨Listen to: Mess is mine by Vance Joy

Slow motion. Everything was just that as she entered the halls of Beacon Hills High once again. Summer was over and it was back to school again for everyone. She inhaled the fresh morning air of another year of high school or should we say, the last year of high school. That's right. Senior year was finally here. She stepped inside and her eyes scanned the familiar lines of lockers from different students in the high school. Of course, all her other friends were there too. At least, that's what she thought. She started walking down the halls. Her heels clicking on the flooring. Her long strawberry blonde hair flowed. A smile pasted on her lips as she gave it to everyone she laid eyes on the halls. But still, it couldn't help the strange feeling she had in her chest. It was so strange and peculiar that she couldn't describe it. It was like something was missing, like something was taken away from her. Perhaps, it was just a feeling. Anxiety for the new school year ahead of her? Or was it something else?

That was when, she stopped on her tracks. She didn't know why but her feet did it. It was like her feet were used on a habit. She turned her head and her eyes landed on a locker. She had another strange feeling, a strange feeling about that locker. She stared at it and furrowed her eyebrows. Slowly, she walked towards it and slowly started to reach for it, to touch it with her hand.

Suddenly, an arm banged on the locker!

Lydia jumped in surprise.

" Boo! "

It was Hayden! She was back.

" You lost there, hun? " Hayden asked teasing and chewing a gum.

Lydia was beyond happy to see her best friend again after being parted from each other during the whole summer. " Oh, my God, Hayden! " Lydia exclaimed happily before she threw her arms around her best friend. Hayden hugged back and the two squealed happily. After a bunch of how-are-you's and what's-been-happening questions, the two linked arms and started walking down the halls together.

On their way, Hayden and Lydia found Malia and Allison. The girls greeted each other. Eventually, they found Scott. And Liam too. Yes, they're all peace with Liam. Since when? Since somewhere around the middle of summer where he got to hang with Scott and the others since they all gave him a chance. Liam and Hayden, you ask? Not so sure yet. So, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Malia, Hayden and Liam walked down the halls together laughing and playing with each other. They were all ready to start that school year together.

Senior year had started.

Lydia was the only one looking less happy and excited than them. She kept looking around like she was looking for someone else even she didn't know why. Hayden noticed her when she stopped on her tracks.

" Lydia. You okay? " Hayden asked.

The others noticed and stopped too. They all looked at Lydia. Lydia looked up at them.

" I'm fine. " Lydia swallowed.

" Do you hear something? " Scott asked.

" I just, felt like someone else was supposed to be with us. Are you sure we got everyone? " Lydia asked.

" What do you mean, like with the pack? " Liam asked.

Malia chuckled. " Lydia, I'm sure this is the whole pack. There's no one else. "

" I just had this feeling like there was supposed to be someone else with us. " Lydia said.

" Like who? " Allison asked furrowing her eyebrows.

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