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Her fingers pulled the elastic band and it made a sound. She could feel the elasticity on her cheek. Her grip tightened on the bow and she exhaled so softly to keep her focus on the target. She seriously didn't have to do this since she always shot the target no matter what. Like Deadshot, she released the arrow and it hit the trunk. Particles of dust scatter lightly around the area. It was one old tree. Few birds and creatures in the woods react and flee. They must've known a huntress was close by.

Allison released the arrow and it hit the target. She breathed and dropped the bow on one side. She had been shooting arrows for, probably, an hour now. She hadn't noticed the time or even bothered to check it but it already felt like an hour for her. Strands of her raven black hair fly around gently with the breeze. She pressed her lips together. Her shiny lip gloss spreading further and she wiped invisible sweat on her forehead. The number of arrows she released couldn't be counted anymore and she was to lazy to anyway.

She grabbed another arrow from her pack and started to aim from a farther trunk. She released the arrow but peculiarly, she didn't hear it hit the trunk. Something went by fastly and she removed the bow from close to her face and squinted her eyes to clear up her vision.

A boy had caught it with one hand. He was wearing a light-colored polo shirt which made it look good on his tanned skin. Allison immediately recognized the boy when he gave her this grin that always annoyed her, in a good way, might I add, and when she noticed his uneven jawline and the familiar spark in her chest. It was Scott.

Allison giggled and shook her head in amusement. Scott approached her with the same grin on his face.

" What are you doing? " he asked.
" I should be asking you the same. " Allison said giving him the same expression on the face.
" I was looking for a place to micturate. " Scott gave her an annoying cheeky smile.
Allison didn't want to react all girlish but because of the way Scott said it, she had to.
Allison burst out laughing and scrunched her nose. " Aw, gross! " she exclaimed.
Scott laughed. " Now, tell me, what are you doing here? "
" I'm- " she giggled. " actually trying to enjoy the moment of loneliness. " she joked.
" Okay, Miss Lonely. " he teased and moved the arrow like a rocket towards her face.
" Scott! " she whined and pulled her head back before grabbing the arrow from him. " Give me that! " she chuckled. " These arrows are silver. It's dangerous for you dogs. Remember that. " she smirked at him.

Scott's grin faded away into a disapproving frown. He cleared his throat. " Yeah, I know that. "
Allison smile also faded away and she looked away as well.
Memories crawled back to them and it caused the small awkward silence.

" Where's Stiles? " Scott started making the conversation a whole lot more awkward. Allison wanted it to stop. She mentally kept hitting her head on a trunk repeatedly. " Aren't you supposed to be with him? "

Allison pressed her lips together.
" He's packing up. " she answered.
" Right. It's our last day at camp. What a bummer. " Scott wiped his whole face with one hand.
Allison gave him a look. " I wouldn't call it a bummer. I hate camping. "
Scott laughed. " Well, if you hate camping so much, why aren't you packing yet? "
" Stiles and Theo offered to do it for me. " Allison flushed as she hesitated to answer his question.
He raised an eyebrow at the brunette before him. " Oh. Okay... "
" How about Lydia? How is she? " Allison asked with an awkward yet welcoming smile.
" She's doing fine. In fact, she's doing better. She isn't screaming or hearing things as much now. " Scott answered.
" She sounds like a doper. " she joked and Scott chuckled lightly. " Where is she now? " she asked again.
" Probably getting her stomach crammed with Hayden. They don't want to leave camp without having a little something in their guts. "
Allison nodded.

Then, there was another small amount of awkward silence in the atmosphere.

" So, what are you planning to do for the last two weeks of spring break? " Scott asked. His subconscious slapped himself repeatedly on the face. He sounded like he was asking her on a date and he mentally punched himself for it.

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