Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


            I looked around my new dorm. It was big. It was basically an apartment, but the Headmistress called it a dorm room. It wasn't a dorm room. A dorm was four walls, two beds  (or a bunk bed), a desk, dressers, and an on/off switch. This was an apartment with a kitchen, two rooms, one bathroom, living space, furniture and window. The only problem was that it was devoid of anything personal. Probably because I haven't moved in yet, I thought to myself.

            "Whoa," said my new roommate, "This is awesome!" He rushed into the apartment and jumped on the couch. His name was Don. He had dull black hair, dull brown eyes and a dull face. He was basically as boring as possible, but seems like a nice guy. He was cute, I guess, but soooo not my type.

            I walked in and looked to the left. There was a bedroom door open and I walked in. It was spacious, but not too big. The queen sized bed was nice, the mahogany dresser was a great touch, and the simple closet was nice too. The floor was a cold marble, and it felt nice against my bare feet as I took off my shoes. I began putting my clothes in the closet that had one shelf and one rack in it as well as the dresser that was next to it.

            "Cool room. The other one is bigger. Do you mind if I take it?" I turned to see Don standing in the doorway.

            "No, it's cool." He grinned and walked away. I continued putting my things away. I looked at my work. Everything was color coded; blues with blues, and every other color with their same color. I smiled.

            "The fridge is stocked!" I heard Don yell from the kitchen. I went out and looked as he took out the ingredients for a sandwich. He made me one. I thanked him. The place looked empty and too impersonal for my tastes.

            As I ate, I took another look around the place. I wanted to decorate it. "Did the school say anything about decorating the place?" I asked Don.

            "No. All they said was that the only rule was to decorate it using magical skills." he replied. I nodded. I looked around the room to visualize what it could become. I came up blank, but I kept trying to think about how this place could look better.

            A knock on the door echoed through the place. "I hate how they make it so that if someone knocks on the door, it echoes. I'll see who it is." He went to the door and I finished off my sandwich.

            "It's for you!" Don yelled back at me. I got up, went to the door and saw an older woman standing there.

            "Mason? I'm Mrs. Dupré and am also you independent studies instructor. Come along now." She turned and walked down the hall. I followed her. The corridor of the school was like anyone could imagine it. The walls were made of stone with concrete bricks, the lighting was of magically lit torches and it was slightly cold.

            "I am going to start you independent magical studies right away. I am not like other professors. I like to take things by the horn and begin right away. I find it makes things easier for me.

            "You see, independent studies refer to you researching your own personal powers and magical abilities. As a Third-Year, you will be-" Third-Year?

            "I'm only a Fourth-Year, Ma'am." She stopped and instantly turned to look at me.

            "Fourth? Only Usually only Third-Years are placed in independent study." She paused to think. "Well, this means that your magic if far more advanced than the other Fourth-Years'.  No wonder you were placed with me. Since every Professor has only one student until that student graduates, it would make sense that I am finally being put into use. I am one of the most knowledgeable Professors on campus. I'm not saying that I'm the smartest or more powerful than the Headmistress, but I am the most resourceful. I am your best option for a mentor."

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